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Clipboard Text Scrubber v1.3.0 Released

August 6, 2007

A new version of Clipboard Text Scrubber has been released into the wild. v1.3.0 fixes an annoying bug that caused too many notifications to be shown, even when the clipboard hasn't been changed. Now, you should only receive a notification about the clipboard being scrubbed when it actually has done something. For example, copying text to the clipboard in the Notepad application will no longer cause a notification, but copying text from Microsoft Excel or Word will, because it really is being cleaned.

Check out Clipboard Text Scrubber today!

Clipboard Text Scrubber v1.2.1 Released

July 31, 2007

After over a month with no new release of Clipboard Text Scrubber I decided that last night and tonight I should focus on it, to clear up some outstanding issues. Here's a quick rundown on the wholesome goodness included in the 1.2.1 release:

  • Double-clicking on the system tray icon scrubs the text on the clipboard
  • Removed the "invalid format" message when non-text data is on the clipboard, it was annoying
  • Now saves application settings so you don't have to keep setting it up every time
  • New application icons
  • Significant memory usage reduction
  • Provides HTML scrubbing - this will remove any HTML tags from your clipboard
  • Setup now detects whether you need to install the .NET Framework 2.0 and will open a download page automatically

Wow, looks and sounds good to me! Take a peek today.

Clipboard Text Scrubber v1.1 Released

June 18, 2007

A minor update to Clipboard Text Scrubber has been released.

It fixes a few little problems and cleans some things up:

  • Switched message boxes to tray balloons because they are less intrusive
  • Added an "About" and "Help" item to the menu
  • Renamed "Close" menu item to "Exit"
  • Re-jigged the order of the menu items
  • Bumped version from 1.1 to match new versioning scheme

Clipboard Text Scrubber

February 28, 2007

Have you ever copied and pasted text from a webpage, or anywhere else, into a document or email... only to have it retain it's crazy formatting? Well, I got sick of that, and I got tired of pasting into notepad and copying again to scrub the text clean of formatting. That's why I whipped up the Clipboard Text Scrubber. It runs in the system tray and monitors the clipboard for text. If it finds any it scrubs the formatting from it, leaving you with good old unformatted text. It can run in automatic mode or manual mode, and has a couple other clipboard related features as well.

It's worth the 300 KB download - take a look today!

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