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Are you sure you want to delete this item?


The triggers feature allows you to listen for events, like a single or double-copy, clipboard change, desktop unlock, window focus, and more. You can then run preset commands or custom Macros to manipulate the Clipboard in any way you can imagine.

For Trigger events that are related to specific text, window, or application, you can set up filters to have them run only when you want them to.

Triggers can run almost any action imaginable. You can have Trigger actions set up to scrub formatting, whitespace, or HTML tags from the Clipboard; you can set up a Text Replace action to search and replace text strings in your clipboard text. You can even run custom Macros!

For more details and examples, please see our how-to guide on Triggers.


Settings > Triggers Tab
Settings > Triggers Tab
Trigger Edit Window
Trigger Edit Window
Text Replace Trigger Action
Text Replace Trigger Action
Scrub Text Trigger Action
Scrub Text Trigger Action