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Purchase ClipboardFusion Pro

Not sure which version of ClipboardFusion you need? Visit the ClipboardFusion Comparison page for more information.
Have any questions about these license options? Contact us and someone will be happy to help you out!

ClipboardFusion Pro Standard

ClipboardFusion Pro Standard

ClipboardFusion Pro Personal

ClipboardFusion Pro Personal
  • Only $29 (USD) for any number of computers in your house
  • For personal users who have more than 1 computer
  • Buy 1 license, use ClipboardFusion Pro on as many personal computers as you need
  • This license is for personal use only, and 1 company computer that only you use
  • Fully functional license including all ClipboardFusion Pro features
  • This is a lifetime license, and is valid for all future versions (3.x, 4.x, 5.x... etc)
  • Save money if you own any of these other products: ClipboardFusion, DisplayFusion, FileSeek, LogFusion, TrayStatus, or VoiceBot

ClipboardFusion Pro Site

ClipboardFusion Pro Site

ClipboardFusion Pro Enterprise

ClipboardFusion Pro Enterprise
  • Only $899 (USD) for an unlimited number of computers at an unlimited number of physical locations (sites)
  • No license servers, no complicated license management
  • Perfect for companies who have many machines and want to easily deploy ClipboardFusion
  • Fully functional license including all ClipboardFusion Pro features
  • This is a lifetime license, and is valid for all future versions (3.x, 4.x, 5.x... etc)
  • Save money if you own any of these other products: ClipboardFusion, DisplayFusion, FileSeek, LogFusion, TrayStatus, or VoiceBot

ClipboardFusion License Upgrades
ClipboardFusion License Upgrades

If you have already purchased a ClipboardFusion Pro license, and would like to upgrade to a different license type, please contact us. Have any questions about these license options? Contact us and someone will be happy to help you out!