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12 discussion posts
Issue #1:
Images put on the clipboard can't be previewed anymore.

Steps to reproduce:
Open Paint, make some squiggly lines, select all, Ctrl+C. Now you have an image on the clipboard. Now try to do 'Show Preview Popup' using ClipboardFusion. Nothing is displayed.

Issue #2:
Putting the exact same image on the clipboard creates duplicate entries:

Steps to reproduce:
Open Paint, make some squiggly lines, select all, Ctrl+C. Now you have an image on the clipboard. Open ClipboardFusion's Clipboard Manager and notice the single entry for that image. Now, in Paint, hit Ctrl+C a few more times. Open ClipboardFusion's Clipboard Manager and notice the many duplicate entries for that same image.

Issue #3:
Pasting an image using Clipboard Manager creates a duplicate of it.

Open Paint, make some squiggly lines, select all, Ctrl+C. Now you have an image on the clipboard. When you view the Clipboard Manager, there is just a single entry in position 1 for that image. Now copy some text to the clipboard. Now in Clipboard Manager there are 2 entries: the text in position 1 and the image in position 2. Now open an application such as Word, and using the Clipboard Manager select the image in position 2 so that the image gets pasted into Word. Now have a look at the Clipboard Manager again. Instead of having 2 things in the list, it now has 3 things in its list. 2 copies of the image (i.e. the original one plus a duplicate that has just been created) and the text.

These are pretty basic things that don't work in CF 6.1. I wonder how come no-one else has noticed, especially since they actually go back several versions to before the final version of 6.0 was released. I've reported these issues to Support a long time ago, but to this day are still unresolved. So that's why I've now created a forum post to bring more attention to them.
Sep 11, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We can't seem to reproduce #1 on our end anymore, but we can reproduce #2 & #3. We have some ideas on what might be going on there, so we'll take another look at it.

Sep 25, 2023  • #2
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