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We're happy to announce that ClipboardFusion 5.0 Beta 8 is now available for download! This release features new Macro functions, a fresh new look for the UI, as well as many bug fixes and improvements.

ClipboardFusion 5.0 Beta 8 Highlights

  • New Macro Functions
  • Pressing "Tab" in the Clipboard Manager will now toggle focus between the query box and the selected list
  • Triggers can now ignore Clipboard entries that contained files
  • New Icons

Updating ClipboardFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please view the ClipboardFusion Beta Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thank you to the translators who worked hard to make ClipboardFusion available in their native languages!

ClipboardFusion Screenshots

Clipboard Manager
Clipboard Manager
ClipboardFusion Clipboard Manager Settings Tab
ClipboardFusion Clipboard Manager Settings Tab
Sep 18, 2017  • #1
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166 discussion posts
Hi Guys,

Amazing job with the fixes. Tested couple of things I pointed out and they seem to be fixed now.

However, I have seem to notice two things. Maybe it's just me but doesn't hurt to point out.

1. The CTRL+' shortcut sometimes lag i.e sometimes it opens after a couple of seconds delay. Furthermore, if you keep holding the CTRL and press ' couple of times it gets stuck then after a couple of seconds immediately jump the number of times you pressed '. Let me know if you can't reproduce it, I can upload a video. Edited to upload the issue video. Kindly note in the video, I help the CTRL down and kept on pressing ' it got stuck at 2 while I kept pressing '
6 - 7 times and then after a short delay(stuck) it jumped to the number 9.

2. Let's say you open this on the desktop and select something (just looking at the data in the list, and you might want to paste it later on in an application). After you select something from the history or other menu, it will maximize the last minimized application and try to paste there.

• Attachment: CF_Issue.mp4 [332,982 bytes]
Sep 18, 2017 (modified Sep 18, 2017)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! I was able to reproduce both of these issues and have added them to our list.
Sep 19, 2017  • #3
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166 discussion posts
Thanks Keith. And great job with the new Beta!
Sep 19, 2017  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks, that's great to hear!
Sep 20, 2017  • #5
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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Just wanted to point that out that the jittery/sticky behavior is not just limited to CF Manager, it happens in settings window as well i.e. sometimes it gets stuck and even you hover mouse over anything nothing happens and then a few seconds later all works again.

Furthermore, other than the jittery behavior of the CF Manager, I noticed that sometime it opens with a couple of second delay (7-8 seconds) as well, after pressing the CTRL+' keys and sometimes will open immediately like in Beta 7.

Attaching video for the first issue so you can have an idea.

@ 7 Seconds, got stuck on hot keys, clicked on Triggers immediately after stuck. Started working at 11 seconds

@ 23 seconds clicked on CLipboard History - > Opens at 26 seconds

To reproduce just simply, open settings and within the initial 5-10 seconds keep moving you mouse up and down the left side menu (causing the hovering highlight to appear on all the buttons). It will get stuck. Close settings and open it again, start clicking buttons and in the initial 5-10 seconds it will get stuck at any random button. It get stuck only once every-time you open settings. Hopefully it will help you narrow down the issue :)

• Attachment [protected]: Issue.mp4 [1,937,187 bytes]
Sep 20, 2017  • #6
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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Wanted to request if you guys have figured out the issue, can we have Beta 8U1 patch or something like that, as this get annoying because it happens the more you use it (referring to the CTRL+' jittery/delayed opening and operating)

Sep 20, 2017  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're actively working on it and we'll be posting Beta 9 as soon as the issue is resolved. In the meantime, on the Settings > Clipboard History tab, if you disable the "Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion" option, it should prevent the lag when using the Clipboard Manager.
Sep 20, 2017  • #8
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166 discussion posts
We're actively working on it and we'll be posting Beta 9 as soon as the issue is resolved.

That's good to hear. :D

In the meantime, on the Settings > Clipboard History tab, if you disable the "Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion" option, it should prevent the lag when using the Clipboard Manager.

The Issue.mp4 (attached two or three post above) was shot with the option disabled (@ 21 seconds there is a screen with it disabled as well). The jittery behavior for the Clipboard Manager has stopped with this option un-selected (as far as I have tested - let me do a detailed test and report back in a day or two) but for the app itself it still happens as in the video.

Sep 20, 2017 (modified Sep 20, 2017)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That sounds correct. That option will only fix it for the Clipboard Manager, not the Settings window :)
Sep 20, 2017  • #10
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14 discussion posts
Gret job with this update. Solves most issues. Also the new UI updates makes it feel more native.

Though I dont get one of it.


Change: The Clipboard Manager can be set up to behave as a window

What is meant by this and is there an option in settings?
Sep 30, 2017  • #11
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111 discussion posts
> Change: The Clipboard Manager can be set up to behave as a window
It's also interesting for me what does that means.

CF auto updated today's morning. Is thtat's the final version?

BTW, previous beta worked already perfectly IMHO.
Oct 2, 2017 (modified Oct 2, 2017)  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear you guys like it! The update on Friday is the final version, yep! We'll be releasing a 5.1 soon as well with a few minor issues fixed up.

That change log entry refers to the general re-design, as the old History menu was just a plain context menu. The new Clipboard Manager is resizable, has more capability (tabs, etc), and can be kept open like a regular window if the "Keep Clipboard Manager open" option is enabled on the Settings > Clipboard Manager tab :)
Oct 2, 2017  • #13
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Samuel Terrazas
12 discussion posts
I've tried updating to the beta because I see that the BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList was fixed but when I go to options and select check for new beta versions and then tell it to check for updates it says that I am at the latest version even though my GetUserInputList function is still broken.

The file version for my ClipboardFusion exe still says so I am pretty sure that the beta didn't go through.

Is there something I am doing wrong?
Oct 2, 2017 (modified Oct 2, 2017)  • #14
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111 discussion posts

The file version for my ClipboardFusion exe still says so I am pretty sure that the beta didn't go through.

Do you have such window title?
Oct 2, 2017  • #15
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Samuel Terrazas
12 discussion posts
Nope, this is my clipboard manager
• Attachment: cliboardfusion.jpg [14,012 bytes]
Oct 2, 2017  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The GetUserInputList function was fixed in our test builds, but definitely seems to be broken in the final build. We'll get it fixed up soon :)
Oct 2, 2017  • #17
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Samuel Terrazas
12 discussion posts
Is there an ETA when this might be released?
Oct 2, 2017  • #18
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111 discussion posts
Is there an ETA when this might be released?

No word "beta" in window title as that was before (ClipboardFusion 5.0 beta 8.0). That's already release.
Oct 3, 2017  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Samuel: 5.1 with the GetUserInputList function fixed will hopefully be released today or tomorrow :)
Oct 3, 2017  • #20
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14 discussion posts

Do you have such window title?

I dont see such a window!!
Mine looks like the screenshot shared by Samuel Terrazas.
Oct 4, 2017 (modified Oct 4, 2017)  • #21
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111 discussion posts

I dont see such a window!!
Mine looks like the screenshot shared by Samuel Terrazas.

That's the OS and theme issue. I have Win 8.1x64 with a little bit tunned default theme.
That means that you're using stable version if you haven't word "beta" in the title as that was before.
Oct 4, 2017 (modified Oct 4, 2017)  • #22
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14 discussion posts
I am on Windows 10 x64 and CF v5.0 Beta 8
Oct 4, 2017  • #23
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111 discussion posts
I am on Windows 10 x64 and CF v5.0 Beta 8

"Beta" was written in the window title, that's release.

Beta was like "ClipboardFusion 5.0 beta 8"
Oct 4, 2017  • #24
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