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We're happy to announce that ClipboardFusion 5.0 Beta 6 is now available for download! This release features many bug fixes and improvements, adds new settings and HotKeys, and totally reworks how the "Double Copy" and "Not on Double Copy" Trigger Commands get detected.

ClipboardFusion 5.0 Beta 6 Changes

  • "Double Copy" and "Not on Double Copy" trigger command improvements
  • Clipboard Manager list items that contain only whitespace now have text labelling them as "[Whitespace]"
  • New HotKey: Toggle Excel Escape after Copy
  • New HotKey: Show Default Item Menu
  • New HotKey: Show Default Item Menu with Query TextBox Focused
  • Excel press escape after copy improvements
  • Fixed an issue where Triggers or HotKeys would cause ClipboardFusion to hang

Updating ClipboardFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please view the ClipboardFusion Beta Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thank you to the translators who worked hard to make ClipboardFusion available in their native languages!

ClipboardFusion Screenshots

ClipboardFusion HotKeys Settings Tab
ClipboardFusion HotKeys Settings Tab
ClipboardFusion Clipboard Manager Settings Tab
ClipboardFusion Clipboard Manager Settings Tab
Jun 28, 2017 (modified Jun 30, 2017)  • #1
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