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Azar Abbas13756
2 discussion posts
I have so many text replacements set in Clipboard Fusion, I'll be adding much more with continual use. I'd like to know where the program settings are stored in disk, I want to make backup of these settings somewhere.. just in case if I have to reinstall the program then I won't have to write these text replacements again. Thanks
Mar 14, 2021  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Azar,

Your settings are stored in the registry, not on your disk. You can create a backup in the Options tab of the ClipboardFusion settings window, using the "Export Settings" button.

Hope that helps!
Mar 16, 2021  • #2
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Azar Abbas13756
2 discussion posts
Hi Azar,

Your settings are stored in the registry, not on your disk. You can create a backup in the Options tab of the ClipboardFusion settings window, using the "Export Settings" button.

Hope that helps!

I see, thanks for the help!
Mar 18, 2021  • #3
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