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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
I select an item in the History List (or any other list I assume), I go the macro list and there I do a left mouse click that should lauch the macro for the selected clip item. But it doesn't. Not a big problem, because you can launch the macro with a right click on the item and using the context menu, but it is written in the manual that this has to work.
Mar 25, 2023  • #1
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Using another computer, there was no problem to run a macro. Both Windows 11 and beta 10.
Mar 26, 2023  • #2
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
And working as well on the first computer. No idea what the problem was. You cab close this discussion.
Mar 27, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange one indeed! Please let us know if you run into trouble with it again :)

Mar 27, 2023  • #4
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