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3 discussion posts
I have just found this program and I really like it but I have a couple of suggestions to make it even better.

See screen shot how I want it to look like. Please add date and time so it's visible all the time. Maybe all users don't want to see that so make it optional.

The next thing is something I guess everybody wants. Show the number of total clips when nothing is typed in the search box. And when a search is made, show the number of hits.
• Attachment: clips.jpg [100,952 bytes]
Oct 30, 2017  • #1
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I've added these to our feature request list. I'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement them in a future version :)

Oct 30, 2017  • #2
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3 discussion posts
OK, I hope it will be soon.

Thank you very much!
Oct 30, 2017  • #3
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3 discussion posts
I want to ask you again now almost 1,5 years later.

Your clipboard manager is the absolute best I've tested in all other ways except that it doesn't have the Date/Time column. Because of that I unfortunately can't use it because it's very important for me to be able to see that information all the time.

Do you have plans to add it in the near future or is it a hard and time consuming feature to create and add in the program?

I would be so happy if you could add it. :)
Feb 23, 2019  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the kind words! Unfortunately we don't have immediate plans to add a date column, but it's still on our list for future consideration.

Feb 25, 2019  • #5
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