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Jeroen Priester41390
1 discussion post
When I set scrubbing mode to "Auto-scrub all except on double-copy" and copy text that needs scrubbing with ctrl-c and immediately paste it with ctrl-v it works as advertised, and get the cleanly scrubbed text .

But when I select the text from the history it pastes the dirty un-scrubbed text.

This doesn't happen in the other scrub modes.
Mar 3, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We were able to reproduce this issue here, and we've added it to our list. We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we're able to fix it up :)

Mar 4, 2016  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new ClipboardFusion beta ( and this issue should be all fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Jan 27, 2017  • #3
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Also had this problem back then with Version 4.2, now (v5.2.1) it acts more different within both 'Double-Copy' modes, as it adds one additional unscrubbed item when the option "Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion" is enabled, that should be no problem as the first/active item can be pasted with scrubbed text, but when you want choose it later from the Clipboard Manager it's not quite clear which of the doubled item is the scrubbed one (usually the upper in the list).

Yet when the said option is disabled, the original posted issue occurs: You are able to paste the scrubbed text right away, but in the history/Clipboard Manager it's only available as unscrubbed version, which has to be 'triggered' once again to get the scrubbed text/item back. (Fortunately there's a HotKey for this purpose, though a setting would be useful to choose if you want the text to remain scrubbed inside the history or just for the current/next paste-operation.)

Another (concerning) problem: When the 'Enabled Except on Double-Copy' Trigger-mode is active only CTRL+C copy/clipboard actions are recognized (for Scrub/Replace-Triggers). So when you single-copy lines of text (exceptionally) with the mouse/context menu, or other variants (e. g. the function 'goDoCommand("cmd_copy")' from Firefox), nothing will be scrubbed. Hopefully that can be changed/fixed for this mode, so it behaves normally like 'Enabled on Copy', except on Double-Copy event of course. I'd rather stick with this mode than always switch between the different modes or disable CF when not modified text/clipboard is required.
Jan 5, 2018  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Which program are you copying from when you see both entries? I'm copying from Chrome, and I only see the scrubbed entry in the History.

For the second issue, I've reproduced that here and added it to our list :)

Jan 5, 2018  • #5
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The 'double-entries' occur with the enabled "Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion" option when the 'Enabled on Double-Copy' or 'Enabled Except on Double-Copy' mode is active/used and affects every program, e. g. Windows Explorer or Notepad, also with all other applications closed. (Windows 7 64-bit, additionally tested in a VM with newly installed Framework v4.7.1.)
Jan 5, 2018  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I think I was able to reproduce this here now (or something very similar). I've added it to our list to fix up :)

Jan 9, 2018  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hello! Just a heads up to let you know that this should be all fixed up in ClipboardFusion 5.3 :)

Feb 14, 2018  • #8
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The capture and scrubbing of other clipboard-modifiers is working now, yet the initial problem and the creation of double-entries still persists. It is important to use 'Quick Clipboard History Select' or select the text-entry directly from the Clipboard History to reproduce the mentioned issue with the not scrubbed text-paste/insertion.
Feb 14, 2018  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to reproduce the double entries with the latest version. Could you attach a backup of your settings? (Settings > Options > Export)
Feb 15, 2018  • #10
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Actually it's noticeable right after you use CF for the first time or reset its settings and change to 'Enabled on Double-Copy' mode. Just double-copy text including selected spaces at the beginning and/or end.

When "Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion" is disabled (non-default) the OP described problem occurs instead.
• Attachment [protected]: CF-DoubleCopyScrub.png [43,770 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusionBackup.reg [8,852 bytes]
Feb 16, 2018  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Right, ok. So this is somewhat expected, because the History list just tracks anything put on the clipboard. With the "Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion" disabled, the original text gets copied to the clipboard and added to the History. Then CF scrubs it, but the History ignores the result of that scrub, because that option is disabled.

With that option enabled, the original as-copied text gets added to the History, and then after ClipboardFusion scrubs it and sets the clipboard with the scrubbed text, that also gets added to the History.

Hope that helps!
Feb 21, 2018  • #12
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Alright, then this leaves open the question why the results of the scrub is still stored, thus not ignored, when 'Enabled on Copy' is active. So probably this has to be changed instead, to stay consistent with the described 'do not show changes' setting.

Guess I'll need to get used to the enabled 'Show changes' options behaviour when that's gonna be fixed, which wouldn't matter that much now, since the standard 'insert multiple clipboard-entries in (chronological) order' macro still works (at least when Double-Copy isn't used).

On the other hand one 'Store/show clipboard scrubs/changes in Clipboard History' and another/separate 'Keep Clipboard History index after item/entry selection' would give some more control and adaptability depending on the type/scenario of applied 'clipboard management'.
Feb 21, 2018  • #13
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Furthermore every time you 'copy' empty strings (nothing selected/marked when you do the copy command) with keystrokes (CTRL+C/CTRL+Ins) it runs the triggers over the current clipboard. Even when you clear the history before and then copy 'nothing' the current clipboard content will be added 'trigger-treated' to the history. Once again only with both 'Double-Copy' modes enabled, with 'Enabled on Copy' CF does nothing when nothing/no content is copied, as it's supposed to be. (This happens when you're running a background-program which sends the copy-command for every double-click - in case you're wondering why someone would press the copy-keystroke when actually nothing is selected to be copied.)
Feb 23, 2018  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'm not able to reproduce the scrubbed text being stored when I do a double-copy with the "Show changes by ClipboardFusion" option disabled. These are the steps I tried, did I miss any steps to reproduce this?

  • Disabled "Show changes by ClipboardFusio"
  • Set Trigger Command to "Enabled on Double-Copy"
  • Selected some text with white space before and after
  • Did a double-Ctrl+C
  • Only the original text with the leading/trailing white space shows up in the History list

Regarding the scrubbing happening even with no text selected, this is by design. The Trigger Command will run on the clipboard text, even if no text is selected, because there's no way for us to determine if there's actually any text selected when the copy was detected.
Feb 28, 2018  • #15
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The double-copy behaviour you reproduced was already explained by your previous post (#12). I'm currently trying to address your "this is by design" statements regarding the second mode 'Enabled on Copy' (post #13).

"scrubbing happening even with no text selected" and "but the History ignores the result of that scrub, because that option is disabled" only applies to modes 'Enabled on Double-Copy' and 'Enabled Except on Double-Copy' but not to 'Enabled on Copy'.

Reproduce first "contradiction":
1. Disable Trigger Commands/Scrubbing
2. Copy text with white space before and after
3. Activate 'Enabled on Copy'
4. Paste clipboard-content to check the remaining spacing
5. Be sure to select/mark nothing that could replace/fill the current clipboard
6. Press Ctrl+C and then paste text (or select from history)
-> Result: Contrary to mentioned 'default design' clipboard is still not scrubbed
In my opinion the resulting behaviour (-> no unintended scrubbing) should be default for every mode, otherwise both 'Run Triggers on Clipboard text now' actions are kinda useless and unnecessary.

Reproduce second one (quoted):
1. Disable option 'Show Clipboard changes made by ClipboardFusion'
2. Activate 'Enabled on Copy'
3. Copy text with white space before and after
4. Paste clipboard-content to check the scrubbed/removed spacing
5. Select/paste item/text from Clipboard History list
6. Repeat step 035 with different examples
-> Result: The clipboard-entries are available in scrubbed condition within the History list, thus the scrub-result is maintained and certainly not 'ignored' (as opposed to the other two 'exceptional/conditional' scrubbing/trigger modes).
Again this (personally) would be the preferred resulting behaviour, also for the other modes, because when I consciously decide to scrub text with double-copy, it should be reasonable and expected that these text-entries remain scrubbed and can be accessed normally from the History list.

To summarize the previous question (from post #13): Why is there different design/handling of text-scrubbing and the results (in the way the clipboard itself is processed and stored) between the three trigger-modes? Can this be changed/optimized as described above, or could the separated options be implemented (see end of post #13)?
Mar 1, 2018  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I can't reproduce the first thing with Notepad. When I highlight nothing and press Ctrl + C, then do a Ctrl + V, it's still the unscrubbed original text.
1. Disable Trigger Commands/Scrubbing
2. Copy text with white space before and after
3. Activate 'Enabled on Copy'
4. Paste clipboard-content to check the remaining spacing
5. Be sure to select/mark nothing that could replace/fill the current clipboard
6. Press Ctrl+C and then paste text (or select from history)

For the second thing, I can reproduce that and I think I know what's going on there. I have added a ticket to our list to review this for the next version.

Mar 19, 2018  • #17
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Glad to see this is reported and will probably result in more consistency between/regarding all trigger modes.

I can't reproduce the first thing with Notepad. When I highlight nothing and press Ctrl + C, then do a Ctrl + V, it's still the unscrubbed original text.
Regarding the scrubbing happening even with no text selected, this is by design. The Trigger Command will run on the clipboard text, even if no text is selected, because there's no way for us to determine if there's actually any text selected when the copy was detected.

That's the point: According to your previous post, this ('still being the unscrubbed original text') shouldn't be possible or wanted (by design). So my suggestion was to apply this 'Enabled on Copy' text-preserving behaviour to the other trigger modes as well.
Mar 19, 2018  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yep, I understand what you're saying. The problem is with the way we have to detect the double-copy. We have to detect a double Ctrl + C and ignore what's actually set on the clipboard (versus just detecting when the clipboard has changed for the single-copy mode). So it works like this:

Single-Copy Mode: Any time the clipboard changes, regardless of how it changed (Ctrl + C, context menu, some other method), the Triggers will run.
Double-Copy Mode: Triggers run on current clipboard contents any time a double Ctrl + C is detected. The reason we had to do it this way was because some apps (particularly office apps like MS Office and Open/Libre Office) set the clipboard many times in quick succession when doing a copy, which falsely triggered double-copies.
Mar 21, 2018  • #19
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Would it be possible to bypass this predefined behaviour for the 'Enabled Except on Double-Copy' mode with the "Double Copy Sensitivity Lowbound/Highbound" or some other advanced setting as customizable alternative to prevent false double-copy actions?
Mar 23, 2018  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That is how we used to do it, but it was too unreliable with a lot of programs. I will put a consideration on our list for restoring the old method as an advanced setting, but at the moment it's not something we're planning to do.
Mar 29, 2018  • #21
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