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Are you sure you want to delete this item?

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4 discussion posts
I'm not quite sure, but it seems like user CANNOT make a simple action like SELECTION of any item in the clipboard history window?

User can drag'n'drop item from history to target window.
User can click on item and item will immediately paste in the target window.

But what if user simply want to click on any item in the list for SIMPLE SELECTION, and then press Ctrl+C for copying it (WITHOUT immediate pasting it), just COPY it, and then paste it where user wants and when he wants.

Or user can only copy item by clicking Right mouse button, and then click Left mouse button for choosing "Copy item" ?

Why is it so hard?

Items in the history list simply DO NOT have option to be selected ?

How come?
Sep 26, 2020 (modified Sep 26, 2020)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

There are 2 ways you could do this:

1) On the Settings > Clipboard Manager, disable the "Auto-paste on Clipboard Manager selection" option. This will make it only set the clipboard when you click on an item, instead of pasting it.

2)If you want to leave auto-paste enabled, you can also right-click an item and choose "Copy to Clipboard"

Hope this helps!
Sep 30, 2020  • #2
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4 discussion posts
1) On the Settings > Clipboard Manager, disable the "Auto-paste on Clipboard Manager selection" option. This will make it only set the clipboard when you click on an item, instead of pasting it.

Okay, I've made a tick on that option.


Nothing happens. I cannot simply SELECT an item, for copying it.

I click on it, by Left Mouse Click.... and nothing happens, at all.

2)If you want to leave auto-paste enabled, you can also right-click an item and choose "Copy to Clipboard"

I know about it.

And it's so f***ing hard!

Why is it so hard?

Because I do these actions hundreds of times per day!


Why is it so hard to make it's possible to SELECT items?
Oct 18, 2020 (modified Oct 18, 2020)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hey Jimmy,

Just to confirm, you unchecked the "Auto-paste on clipboard manager selection" right? Having this unchecked will allow you to select an item listed in your clipboard manager, and copy it to your clipboard on a left click.

Oct 19, 2020  • #4
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