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Please note: If you're deploying ClipboardFusion via Active Directoy GPO, please read the MSI Installation section carefully, and as always, make sure to test it thoroughly before deploying it into production.

Note: The ClipboardFusion installer requires administrative privileges in order to run successfully. If the installer is run using an account that doesn't have administrative privileges on the system, UAC will request the credentials for an administrative account on the system.

EXE Installation

For more options, please consult the Inno Setup help file that comes with Inno Setup.

The following parameters are especially useful for deployments.

Enables Silent Install option (shows progress while running)

Enables Silent Install option (does not show progress while running)

Forces the installation language to English

Sets the default installation folder

/LKEYUSER="license key"
Specifies the license key for the current user (the user running the installation)

/LKEYALL="license key"
Specifies the license key for all users

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYUSER. Specifies a text file containing the license key for the current user. Also accepts UNC paths.

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYALL. Specifies a text file containing the license key for all users. Also accepts UNC paths.

DisplayFusion will be set to startup with Windows for all users

ClipboardFusion will not run automatically after setup completes.

Setup will not create a Desktop icons

Setup will create a Desktop icon for all users

MSI Installation

You can use any of the standard Windows Installer command line options.

To perform a standard silent installation (note that the parameters are case sensitive):

msiexec.exe /i "ClipboardFusionSetup.msi" /qn CUSTOM1="/VERYSILENT" LAUNCHAFTER=0 LKEYALL="license key"

Important Note: When deploying via Group Policy Software Installation, you absolutely must use the included MST (transform) file on the Modifications tab, otherwise the installation will never complete.

The following MSI properties are especially useful for deployments. Any of the properties below can be included in an MST (transform) file if deploying via Group Policy. If you create your own MST file, you must include the CUSTOM1="/VERYSILENT", and LAUNCHAFTER=0 properties for deploying the MSI through Group Policy Software Installation.

Sets the default installation folder

LKEYUSER="license key"
Specifies the license key for the current user (the user running the installation)

LKEYALL="license key"
Specifies the license key for all users

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYUSER. Specifies a text file containing the license key for the current user. Also accepts UNC paths.

This parameter can be used instead of /LKEYALL. Specifies a text file containing the license key for all users. Also accepts UNC paths.

DisplayFusion will be set to startup with Windows for all users

ClipboardFusion will not run automatically after setup completes.

Setup will not create a Desktop icons

Setup will create a Desktop icon for all users

Sep 14, 2015  • #1
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