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165 discussion posts
Hi Guys,

I am wondering if someone can help create a macro with following capabilities:

You write a text -> "test macro". Now instead of having multiple macros to take of the text to either convert to upper, lower or smart case. So basically you select the text, press Shift + F3 (significance of this will be mentioned shortly) and it cycles between all the text formats.

This feature is available in Microsoft Word, you select the text and press Shift + F3 to cycle between text format (upper, lower, smart).

Attaching a GIF from Microsoft Word below to give an idea of end result.

Thanks in Advance!
Oct 16, 2017  • #1
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to put together a Macro that should do what you need. Here's how to get it into ClipboardFusion:

  • Download the file attached to this post
  • Open the ClipboardFusion Settings window
  • On the "Macros" tab, click the "Import" button
  • Select the file you downloaded in the first step
  • In the window that pops up, you can review the code and assign the Macro a HotKey
  • Click OK to close the Macro Edit window, then OK again to save and apply your changes

I hope this works for you!
Oct 19, 2017  • #2
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165 discussion posts
Hey Thomas,

Works beautifully! Now I have the Microsoft Word functionality out of the Word app :D

Thanks a bunch!!
Oct 19, 2017  • #3
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165 discussion posts
Hi Thomas,

Just one thing, I am wondering if it's possible to keep the text selected after running the macro, so I can run the macro multiple times? This is just an enhancement request, really grateful for the macro :)

Oct 19, 2017  • #4
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I don't think it's able to sorry. ClipboardFusion is currently just sending a Ctrl+V keystroke to paste the text in the active window. If the program you're using has some sort of API that ClipboardFusion could use to control the selected text, then it could be possible.

I hope this helps!
Oct 30, 2017  • #5
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165 discussion posts
Thanks Thomas. It works beautifully nonetheless, so no worries :D !!!
Oct 30, 2017  • #6
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