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32 discussion posts
Computer suddenly blue screen crash, all kinds of do not turn on
After re installing the new system, the original configuration is gone?????
Where is the configuration of the software? How to set it to the same directory of the software????

If you want to do the system can be backed up in advance
But unpredictable disasters such as system crash, blue screen and so on will come at any time, such as this one

If the software configuration is not portable, it can not be automatically restored after the system is reinstalled or the configuration is not lost

It's too troublesome to reconfigure the macro you asked for last time

How can I save the configuration file in the same level directory
In this way, the software configuration will not be lost after re installing the system
Jul 16, 2020  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Every time you install DisplayFusion it creates a back in your documents folder in "DisplayFusion Backups". You just need to exit DisplayFusion and run the .reg file for the backup you want to restore, then start DisplayFusion up again.
Jul 17, 2020  • #2
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32 discussion posts
Every time you install DisplayFusion it creates a back in your documents folder in "DisplayFusion Backups". You just need to exit DisplayFusion and run the .reg file for the backup you want to restore, then start DisplayFusion up again.

But you need to know that after the system crashes, the entire C disk is reloaded, and then the clipboardfusion backups is in the location of documents / clipboardfusion backups

What's the use of it?? C disk lost = backup is gone
Jul 19, 2020  • #3
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32 discussion posts
Every time you install DisplayFusion it creates a back in your documents folder in "DisplayFusion Backups". You just need to exit DisplayFusion and run the .reg file for the backup you want to restore, then start DisplayFusion up again.

Have you ever thought about this, the system crashed

Disk C needs to be re installed

A formatted hard disk

Even if your software has automatic backup

But the backup is in my file on disk C

You can't reload the system

Do you have this backup or not
What's the difference

No one knows when the disaster will come before it comes

Do you have a portable version so that the system crashes

Because the portable version is not configured on Disk C, nor is it on disk C

No disaster of system collapse
Jul 19, 2020  • #4
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32 discussion posts
Every time you install DisplayFusion it creates a back in your documents folder in "DisplayFusion Backups". You just need to exit DisplayFusion and run the .reg file for the backup you want to restore, then start DisplayFusion up again.

Painstakingly configured macro

Because the system crashed
Jul 19, 2020  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The idea behind the DisplayFusion backups is that the files get saved into your documents folder which would hopefully be backed-up somewhere else preserving all your files along with the DisplayFusion backups. Unfortunately without any PC backups your settings will be lost. :(
Jul 21, 2020  • #6
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