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6 discussion posts
I have found this application quite useful for the years I've been using it now, and for the money its been a great value. I've realized though there have been things that have been bugging me that while not deal breakers seem frustrating and like the fixes for these issues could be relatively simple to add.

These issues all stem around the idea of being able to just disable things that get in my way frequently.

  • The ability to turn off numbered shortcuts in history or pinned. This frequently annoys me as I never use these and very frequently want to quickly search through my history or pinned data. This often results in me accidentally pasting the wrong thing then having to reopen the window select the search bar specifically and then search for what I was looking for. If I could simply disable the shortcut and enable the search to always be what was in focus that would improve my expereince tremendously.
  • The ability to simply disable the online recent and online pinned tabs. I dont use them and am just frustrated whenever I click them and the popup asking me to setup an account that must be manually dismissed shows, which is quite frustrating as it must be dismissed. If I could have a setting to just remove these tabs, or even if the popup was changes to being as a part of the tab itself requiring no user action that would be tremendous. Perhaps it could be useful to even just have a settings section with a checkbox for each of the tabs so that anyone could tailor which showed for them, like if for instance someone had the opposite preferences to me and only wanted the online tabs to show.

Thanks for the software and for reading these requests.
Dec 11, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback, I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Dec 12, 2022  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Whoops, I forgot to add the second half of my reply :)

If you right click one of the tab headers, you can enable/disable the different tabs to choose which one's appear in the header.

Jan 5, 2023  • #3
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6 discussion posts
Whoops, I forgot to add the second half of my reply :)
If you right click one of the tab headers, you can enable/disable the different tabs to choose which one's appear in the header.

Thanks. This is totally a solution to the second issue.
Jan 5, 2023 (modified Jan 5, 2023)  • #4
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