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4 discussion posts
Hi everyone, I have a small problem with the results of one of my macro combinations used in a trigger, and since I don't know anything about C#, I really hope somebody here can help me with this. So, I used a combination of two premade macros, "Convert Commas to New Lines" and "Split Clipboard Entry into Multiple Entries" in that order, to transform a single sentence with commas, into multiple separate entries, and it works like a charm. But, the problem that I don't know how to solve is that every time this conversion happens and the original sentence gets deleted, instead of being completely gone in its place I get greyed out [whitespace], which I presume is a representation of the null value.

So, is there a way to have the original sentence completely deleted, without any remnants, [whitespace] etc. :)

Also, I am not a native English speaker, so if there are any mistakes, I apologize :)
• Attachment [protected]: 1. Convert Commas to New Lines.PNG [12,189 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 2. Split Clipboard Entry into Multiple Entries.PNG [21,519 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 3. Results in Clipboard History.PNG [25,024 bytes]
Jan 27, 2019  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
How are you running this macro? Do you right-click on the original item in the History list and use the Run Macro item on it?
Jan 29, 2019  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Hi Keith, actually, I am using these macros in a trigger that runs automatically whenever text is copied. I work in sales, so this is primarily used for addresses because it conveniently splits them into multiple separate entries, so I can easily paste them into sheets.

I should also mention that it is necessary to add a comma "," as a parameter for match conditions option, that is, clipboard text has to contain a comma, and only by doing that this trigger behaves as it should.
Jan 29, 2019 (modified Jan 30, 2019)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I can't seem to reproduce this here. I'm doing this:

  • Setup a Trigger that runs the "convert commas to new lines" and "split into multiple entries" Macros.
  • Copy a line like this:,,
  • The attached screenshot is what I see when doing that
• Attachment: Snag_19e93225.png [19,457 bytes]
Jan 30, 2019  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
As an update, if I have a line above the email address that just has some tabs or spaces, then I can reproduce this. Maybe that's what's happening on your machine?
Jan 30, 2019  • #5
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4 discussion posts
Unfortunately, in my case, that happens every time, no matter what, but that's not much of a problem in itself, because, what I'm looking for is a way to have the original sentence completely deleted from clipboard history, of course, after it's been broken down into parts. Is something like that possible?

Btw, thank you for your time and effort, I really appreciate that you are trying to help me with this :)
Jan 30, 2019 (modified Jan 30, 2019)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, if you add this to the "Convert Commas" macro (put it above the "return new" line, that should do the trick:


// Remove the old history entry
        foreach (string item in BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetAllHistoryText())
            if (item == text)
                BFS.ClipboardFusion.RemoveHistoryItem(Array.IndexOf(BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetAllHistoryText(), text));
Jan 31, 2019  • #7
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4 discussion posts
Success :) Thank you so much :)
Jan 31, 2019  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad I could help!
Jan 31, 2019  • #9
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21 discussion posts
I´m just trying to paste a directory name and i does not work because of this whitespace, how can i get it to work? I like this program and would like to purchase it after a while but it has to work fully!
• Attachment [protected]: cf.png [1,421,903 bytes]
Aug 5, 2020  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Modriaan: Could you try updating to 5.8.5 Beta 1 and let me know if you are still able to reproduce this issue?

Aug 7, 2020  • #11
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21 discussion posts
Ok, installed, it only happend once. After i restarted ClipboardFusion it didn't happen again.
I like the app very much and use it intensive.
It will take a time but i'm sure that i will purchase it in time and DisplayFusion (i formerly used actual window manager but this tool makes trouble when i want to play full screen games).
Aug 7, 2020  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, great! If you run into the issue with 5.8.5 Beta 1 still in the future, definitely let us know.

Aug 8, 2020  • #13
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