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71 discussion posts
Steps to reproduce:
1) Open 'Open File' or 'Save As' dialog box in any Windows application, e.g. Notepad or Visual Studio;
2) Start typing file name. You eventually want to attach content from ClipboardFusion History Menu as a suffix or any other part of the file name;
3) Open ClipboardFusion History, say by standard hot key Ctrl+`; I assume you already have some entries there;
4) Click on any entry in the History. Your intention is to paste this entry's content at the cursor position in the currently open dialog box;
Error: all previously entered content has been deleted and completely replaced by entry from ClipboardFusion.
Expected behavior: by convention, Paste means adding to existing content, not completely replacing it.

It looks like ClipboardFusion 'selects all' in the text box before pasting. To make it easier for you to troubleshoot, notice that similar behavior can be observed in 'Query:' string in FileSeek. It is impossible to paste anything from ClipboardFusion into FileSeek's Query text box without replacing previously entered content.

Yes, it is possible to work around this issue. I can 'copy without pasting' from ClipboardFusion by (very useful) Shift+Mouse Click and then paste Ctrl-V at cursor position. However, it is quite annoying! Please fix it :-)

Aug 22, 2017  • #1
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71 discussion posts
Please see video illustration of the problem with Paste command in ClipboardFusion: it replaces all previously entered content in text boxes.
• Attachment: ClipboardFusion_ReplaceContent.gif [2,580,212 bytes]
Aug 25, 2017  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's anything we can do here. The issue isn't with ClipboardFusion, but actually with the Save/Open dialogs. If the Save/Open dialog loses and then re-gains focus, the text in the box gets highlighted. You can confirm this on your system by exiting ClipboardFusion and trying something like this:
  • Put the cursor somewhere in the textbox in the Save/Open dialog
  • Click on a different window
  • Click back onto the Save/Open dialog, all the text is highlighted

Unfortunately there's no way to prevent that dialog from losing focus when the Clipboard Manager opens, and then when the Clipboard Manager passes focus back to it to paste, that issue occurs.

Sorry for the bad news!
Aug 28, 2017  • #3
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71 discussion posts
Oh, sorry to raise difficult problem! That's OK, Shift + Mouse Click (copy to clipboard without pasting) will save us here.

Thanks for excellent product, I use it extensively
Aug 29, 2017  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! Thanks for the kind words :)
Aug 29, 2017  • #5
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