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17 discussion posts
When selecting/inserting Clipboard History items that are copied cells from LibreOffice Calc (v6.0.2) more than once they will be inserted as bitmap-image. With any kind of text-scrubbing trigger enabled this happens instantly (first cell paste), even when every 'scrub whitespace/tabs/line-breaks' option is disabled/unselected within the 'Scrub Text' action. The text contents of the copied cell can still be edited within the Clipboard Manager and also the 'Type Text' function works. Altered text or multiple cells can be correctly inserted with 'Paste unformatted text' function of Calc. This behaviour probably started with version 5 of ClipboardFusion and doesn't seem to affect Microsoft Excel. I've added a specific exception-trigger for the 'soffice.bin'-process to avoid the text-scrub (and other) triggers. Perhaps it's possible to implement a function to preserve the normal Calc cell-format, retaining Excel compatibility.
Mar 10, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you attach a backup of your ClipboardFusion Settings? I can't seem to reproduce this here when testing with the latest version of ClipboardFusion (default settings) and latest OpenOffice Calc.
Mar 14, 2018  • #2
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17 discussion posts
Indeed, also tested it with OpenOffice, seems it's not that strong/negatively affected as LibreOffice Calc (actually assumed they would act more likely). Yet you'll also notice in OpenOffice Calc when you select/insert the same Calc-copied Clipboard History item for the second time, it's not just normally inserted (regular Ctrl+V result within Calc) like it was the first time, instead the 'Textimport' helper-window will appear to insert the appropriate text-content. While the exactly same history item will be inserted as bitmap for LibreOffice Calc, it's still possible to insert its content as cell-filling text-lines within OpenOffice Calc (though again per Textimport function). This occurs for both LibreOffice variants (x86 and x64) with Windows 7 (x64) - don't know how it would behave with Linux systems where LibreOffice is more common.
Mar 14, 2018  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I only get the Text Import dialog if the text I'm pasting has line breaks or tabs in it. Does this happen for you even for single lines of text only?
Mar 19, 2018  • #4
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17 discussion posts
In LibreOffice Calc it does also happen with single lines/rows copied, but not in OpenOffice Calc. Still it's often required to copy multiple rows/columns and text-blocks containing both, including 'row-separating' line breaks. Guess the Calc-content is generally handled/stored as HTML/image, because every time it shows the 'Clipboard Preview Popup' when one or more cells are copied. While the Text Import dialog is normal for text-content (with line breaks) from other applications, this shouldn't be the case for copy-paste actions within Calc itself.
Mar 19, 2018  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the delayed response on this. We can't easily put the cells on the clipboard in the format that it needs, so your workaround of having a Trigger that prevents scrubbing on Libre/OpenOffice is the best option for now.

Apr 23, 2018  • #6
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