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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Dragging clipboard items from History and other lists into text editor et cetera
Behaviour available in ClipboardFusion =
∙ “Allow items to be dragged and dropped on other windows: Enable this checkbox to allow dragging of items from the Clipboard Manager to other windows like text editors, image editing programs, etc.”
∙ “Auto-paste on Clipboard Manager selection: Enable this option to have ClipboardFusion automatically paste the selected item into the last focused textbox when clicked.”
In Windows File Explorer you can push and hold [Shift]- or [Ctrl]-key and drag files to another window, which will result in moving (=Shift) or copying (=Ctrl) the selected file(s). The tooltip (when dragging) is showing an icon and what you are doing (moving or copying).
For ClipboardFusion a similar behaviour would be very nice to have. So showing what your are dragging from the clipboard to the other window. And when copying, keeping the clipboard item and when moving, deleting the clipboard item.
Moving (reordering) clipboard items within History and other lists
Behaviour available in ClipboardFusion =
“The History tab is where you’ll see all of your recently copied items. The newest item is at the top, and you can paste any item to the last focused window just buy clicking it in the list. If you want to set a History item on the clipboard without automatically pasting it, you can hold Shift on the keyboard while you click the item. You can then paste it later by pressing Ctrl + V.”
It would be very nice to have the possibility in ClipboardFusion to rearrange the order of the items by dragging an item to another position in the list.
First of all by rearranging you can keep the numbered items (0-9) as they were, otherwise new copied items will show up at the beginning of the list and changing/shifting the numbers. Furthermore you can arrange the items in a more logical way by dragging them to such a place. For example when you have copied several items to the clipboard, you could reorder the list in a sequence, like initials, name, street, zipcode, city, country and so on. See for example the macro “Combine Last N History Items with Commas” ( and it is clear that life becomes a little bit easier.
And of course no problem at all to have these features only in paid-versions.:)
Jan 15, 2023 (modified Jan 15, 2023)  • #1
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
In the meantime I discovered that in the Pinned List (and not the History List) you can reorder the items by dragging them :) and because of the many "automatic" movements in the History List it seems to me that it is better to copy items to the Pinned List and use them from there.
Jan 17, 2023  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback and the kind words! I've added these to our list for future consideration.

Jan 17, 2023  • #3
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