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Dennis Hays' profile on
At some point I'd like to see a hot key/content menu item to suspend cf from operation - not grabbing from the system clipboard. If implemented, changing the color of the system tray icon or adding an overlay to the icon would indicate whether CF is active again.

I use another macro program and some of the routines copy multiple instances of text during a single session. There is no need for cf to become involved and grab any clipboard text during this time.
Dennis Hays
Photographer - Writer - Editor
Sep 10, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list, and we'll post an update if/when we're able to implement this functionality :)

Sep 13, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new beta version of ClipboardFusion ( and there's now a "Pause/Resume ClipboardFusion" hotkey. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Jan 27, 2017  • #3
Dennis Hays' profile on
The Pause/Resume hotkey feature is working perfectly. Great addition to CF.
Dennis Hays
Photographer - Writer - Editor
Mar 27, 2017  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Dennis, glad to hear it!
Mar 27, 2017  • #5
Dennis Hays' profile on
The only problem I have with Beta 4 is sometimes the tray icon disappears indicating to me it's not loaded. However, upon going to the Start menu, I get a message it's already running. The "cure" is to use Windows Task Manager to kill the process and then reload. Not a big problem, just somewhat annoying.
Dennis Hays
Photographer - Writer - Editor
Mar 27, 2017  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, I've never run into that before. Which version of Windows are you running?
Mar 28, 2017  • #7
Dennis Hays' profile on
I've seen this on both Windows 7 Professional and Windows 10 Professional. I also have running in the system tray:
Quick Macros

One or more of the above may be associated with this error as I have the same things running on both computers. It's the only commonality I can find.

As this is a sporadic problem and only annoying, I wouldn't put this anywhere near the top of your list. :)
Dennis Hays
Photographer - Writer - Editor
Mar 28, 2017  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! If you notice any steps that can reproduce this, just let me know. Also, next time it happens, can you check the tray overflow area to see if it maybe moved there for some reason?
Mar 30, 2017  • #9
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