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Don W
73 discussion posts
Using 5.8.5. I discovered yesterday that my online pinned items have been trashed (see attached screen shot)! The list was full but now most of it is "whitespace".
Is there any way to recover them?
• Attachment [protected]: 2020-09-26_7-10-52.png [80,708 bytes]
Sep 26, 2020  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Wow, that's really strange! We haven't had any other reports of this, and in testing here our Online Pinned Items are still ok. We should be able to restore them, we'll keep you posted soon.
Sep 30, 2020  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Do you recall when the items were last ok? We've restored a backup from Sept 24th, but the item hashes look exactly the same as the current set of pinned items.
Sep 30, 2020  • #3
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Don W
73 discussion posts
I had been using the 5.8.5 beta but was seeing a lot of odd behavior and having performance problems with CF, so I wanted to roll back to the latest released version. I did so, but didn't uninstall the beta first.

According to Windows "Programs and Features" I installed the 5.8.5 release on the 23rd but I don't remember exactly when I rolled back before that. It was probably a day or two.

I took a screen shot of the problem on the 26th at 7:10 in the morning and that would have been shortly after I noticed the problem, although I may not have used Online Pinned for a couple of days before that. Bottom line is I don't really know for sure.

I continue to get odd behavior from CF even with the released 5.8.5. When I hit my CF hot key, sometimes the Clipboard Manager (CM) doesn't even appear. If I hit the hot key again a couple of times, sometimes CM will appear...eventually. Amongst all that I seem to be seeing the "Not Responding" message pretty often. I've observed this behavior on both a PC with the Windows 2004 at home and another with 1809 at work.
Sep 30, 2020  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I'll go back a bit further in the backups then. It may take me some time, but I will keep you updated when I've found the most recent backup that has your items intact.

Regarding the Not Responding issue, I have something to try for that, but we'll deal with that after we've gotten your items restored.
Sep 30, 2020  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Quick update, I've got a backup here that has your online items from August 29th. Your last update item was September 16th, but when I went to the backup from that day, the item hashes match your current items, so it seems like they have been broken for some time possibly.

The next most recent item is August 24th, so I grabbed the backup from August 29th and it looks intact, only missing that item from September 16th of course.

Would you like me to go ahead and restore the backup from August 29th to your account?
Oct 1, 2020  • #6
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Don W
73 discussion posts
Yes please!
Oct 1, 2020  • #7
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Don W
73 discussion posts
For future reference, are the .db files in the "Documents\ClipboardFusion Backups" folder meant to be used for recovery in situations like this?
Oct 1, 2020  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, done! If you deleted any items after August 29th, they will be in there again, so you'll just need to re-delete them after syncing :)
Oct 1, 2020  • #9
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Don W
73 discussion posts
That worked! Thanks so much.

I always appreciate how helpful and responsive you are, Keith. Please pass my compliments to your bosses.

Can you please take a look at my message from earlier today about the .db files?
Oct 1, 2020  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Really glad to hear it, thanks for the kind words!

Those backup files won't always work for online items, as they may just get overwritten by the server again if the datestamps are older.

Regarding the "Not Responding" issue with the Clipboard Manager, if you don't need them, can you try clearing your Online Recent Items and let me know if that makes any difference?
Oct 1, 2020  • #11
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Don W
73 discussion posts
Your suggestion seems to have cleared up the problem!

I also unchecked "Sync All Copied Text Automatically" on the Clipboard Syncing tab in Settings.
Oct 2, 2020  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Oct 2, 2020  • #13
User Image
8 discussion posts
I have same problem.5.8.5 version. online pinnde error.everything disappeared.:x
Oct 10, 2020  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@nnjjww: When were your items last ok? We will restore them from backup.
Oct 15, 2020  • #15
User Image
8 discussion posts
clipboard is quite normal now,thanks a lot。
Oct 17, 2020  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Oct 20, 2020  • #17
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Don W
73 discussion posts
Hey Keith. Part of my online pinned list just got trashed again. I was in the process of removing a couple items from the list and POOF! a bunch of items are gone and the list shows [Whitespace] where they used to be.

It looks to me like the item I was trying to remove got moved to the top of the list and everything between where it was before and the top of the list where it is now is set to [Whitespace].

I have attached a screen shot of the list as it is now after it got trashed.
• Attachment [protected]: CF online pinned list trashed again.png [42,128 bytes]
Oct 24, 2020  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Wow, this is very strange! Couple of follow-up questions to try and track this down:

  • Do you just have one Windows machine that's syncing, or multiple?
  • If you have multiple, are they all running ClipboardFusion 5.8.5?
  • Were you just doing right-click > Remove on the Online Pinned tab? If so, did you do many very quickly in a row?
Oct 26, 2020  • #19
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Don W
73 discussion posts
I have 2 Windows PCs that sync.

They are both running 5.8.5

Yes, I was doing right-click > Remove on the Online Pinned tab. I wasn't doing a LOT of removes, maybe 2 or 3. I suppose you could say I did them "quickly in row" in that I didn't close the Clipboard Manager between removes.

Until this gets sorted, would you please restore my online pinned items to the latest backup prior to Oct. 24 11:30AM CDT.

Oct 30, 2020  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep, will do! I'll keep you posted when they've been restored.
Oct 30, 2020  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, the items have been restored. Could you check it out and let me know if it looks ok?
Oct 30, 2020  • #22
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Don W
73 discussion posts
Unfortunately that backup was corrupted too.

Could you go back a version?
Oct 30, 2020  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sure can, want me to try Oct 22 or earlier?
Nov 2, 2020  • #24
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Don W
73 discussion posts
For some reason it fixed itself after a while. Maybe I wasn't patient enough?

Anyway, I am good to go and you don't need to do anything further.

Thanks again for you awesome help!
Nov 2, 2020  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok no worries! If it happens again, please let me know what seems to trigger it, and we'll see if we can add some logging on the server side to help track it down.

Nov 2, 2020  • #26
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