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I have created simplest possible macro:

public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
public static string ProcessText(string text)
// your code goes here

return text;

When I fire it against any text entry in the History Menu, it shows dialog box with input text, as expected.

But when I attempt to fire it against File Explorer entry, it doesn't show any dialog. The macro never got fired for the File Explorer entries. Why not?

How to create a macro which is fired for File Explorer entries?

• Attachment: ClipboardFusion_FileExplorer_Entry.png [12,361 bytes]
Aug 17, 2017  • #1
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
We were able to reproduce this issue here, and I've added it to our list. We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we're able to fix it up :)

Aug 17, 2017  • #2
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Thanks Thomas, it would be useful feature to me.

I find myself using ClipboardFusion very actively. Have developed a bunch of specialized macros that shape clipboard content automatically, avoiding a lot of manual work. Very useful idea and application!

Keeping on the topic of non-firing macros, we have a more explainable but still unfortunate case: macros do NOT fire for Image entries.

I want to create this kind of macro:
1) Copy image to clipboard, say from print screen application. ClipboardFusion successfully creates entry in the History. There could be many previously copied images there;
2) Right-click on ANY Image entry and select 'Run Macro ->' context menu;
3) Run my 'imaginary' macro that pixelates low third of the image in the History and places resulting image in the clipboard;
4) Paste pixelated image directly into chat message, say into HipChat or Microsoft Teams.

Is there any way to call macro for Image entries?

Aug 18, 2017  • #3
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like running Macros on images is suffering from the same problem as the file explorer entries. I'll add these details to our list and let you know when we're able to fix them up!
Aug 18, 2017  • #4
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
We've added a bunch of new Macro functions to the latest ClipboardFusion beta that should solve the problem you were having. The funtions are able to get information from the currently selected list, as well as the index of the item that was selected when the Macro was run. I've also attached a Macro based on the Macro you posted at the start of this thread that uses the new functions.

Here's a list of the new functions:


BFS.ClipboardFusion.ClipboardManagerListEnum GetSelectedClipboardManagerList()
int GetClipboardManagerSelectedIndex()
RemoveSelectedListItem(int index)
AddSelectedListText(string text)
AddSelectedListFileList(string[] paths)
AddSelectedListImage(Bitmap image)
SetSelectedListText(int index, string text)
SetSelectedListFileList(int index, string[] paths)
SetSelectedListImage(int index, Bitmap image)
string GetSelectedListText(int index)
string[] GetAllSelectedListText()
string[] GetSelectedListFileList(int index)
Bitmap GetSelectedListImage(int index)
int GetSelectedListItemCount()
bool GetSelectedListItemContainsFileList(int index)
bool GetSelectedListItemContainsImage(int index)
bool GetSelectedListItemContainsText(int index)

I hope this works for you!
• Attachment: Show Selected Item Filenames.cfmacro [6,864 bytes]
Sep 19, 2017 (modified Sep 19, 2017)  • #5
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71 discussion posts
Thank you, Thomas, it opens new opportunities for us!

I see new API like GetSelectedListItemCount() and GetSelectedClipboardManagerList(); does it imply I can select multiple items in the History list? If yes, how?

Good work with Beta 8. My mind is busy with inventing new macros :-)
Sep 20, 2017  • #6
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165 discussion posts

Good work with Beta 8. My mind is busy with inventing new macros :-)

Hey Dimiitry , With you coding skills I am sure they are pretty convenient and awesome macros. Kindly do share them with us :D

Sep 20, 2017  • #7
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71 discussion posts
Thanks for kind words, mate! The credit goes to people who imagined and created ClipboardFusion: they gave us beautiful sandbox to play in :-)
Sep 21, 2017  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Dmiitry! I'll pass that along to the devs as well :)
Sep 21, 2017  • #9
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