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2 discussion posts
Hey all, I work at a company that uses folders identified by specific order numbers to house files related to those orders. I want a macro I can run when I have an order number copied that appends the order number to the end of the root folder location (which doesn't change), and then opens that folder in Windows Explorer.

Essentially, the root location is always //drive/orders/

I want to be able to copy an order number, and put it at the end of the root. If I have "12345" copied, I'd like to run the macro and open //drive/orders/12345 in Explorer.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.
Sep 26, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've done up a sample Macro that can do this. Please try out the attached (use the "Import" button on the Settings > Macros tab).

Hope that helps!
• Attachment: Open order folder.cfmacro [5,256 bytes]
Sep 26, 2018  • #2
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2 discussion posts
This worked perfectly! Thank you!

I've done up a sample Macro that can do this. Please try out the attached (use the "Import" button on the Settings > Macros tab).

Hope that helps!
Oct 5, 2018  • #3
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