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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
On my clipboard I have, for example, this number sequence: 6166 6586 2255 0013. Running the macro gives: 166 6586 2255 0013 and thus leaving out the first character. Any I idea where this comes from?? The clipboard text is scrubbed/cleaned et cetera.
Mar 9, 2023  • #1
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Kind of solved, hotkey assigned to macro, then it runs from the hotkey as desired.
Mar 9, 2023  • #2
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
And finally it is clear for me how to use this macro. Select the History or whatever item, choose for the macro to run and than put your mouse cursor where you want your typing .... now I understand the BFS.General.ThreadWait :) which gives you the time to move your (mouse) cursor. Using a hotkey keeps your cursor where you want the text to be typed.
Mar 10, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you got it sorted out!
Mar 10, 2023  • #4
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