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Don W
73 discussion posts
Long, slightly complicated story...for months I was using CF on a computer without a network connection, so all my lists are only stored locally. Since I last used that computer, the security policies have changed such that I can't start CF because it requires admin privileges and I don't have that. I need to recover the lists I was using on that computer. Is there any tool I can use to examine the database and recover my lists?
Jan 22, 2019  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Is it sensitive info? We may be able to recover the data if you're able to send us the database file. If the files is less than 50 MB you can attach it here, attachments are protected by default, meaning that only Binary Fortress staff can retrieve them.
Jan 22, 2019  • #2
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Don W
73 discussion posts
Yeah, I'm afraid it is. I can't remove the file from the computer it's on.
If it's in one of the common database formats - like SQLite - I might be able to find a reader for that database. It didn't look like SQLite.
Jan 22, 2019  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You won't be able to read it with an external tool, unfortunately.

Do you have access to a settings backup from ClipboardFusion on that machine? They're usually in the C:\Users\username\Documents\ClipboardFusion Backups folder.

If so, you might be able to do this on another machine:

  • Install ClipboardFusion
  • Restore the Settings backup
  • Exit ClipboardFusion
  • Copy the history database from the old machine to the new machine
  • Start ClipboardFusion
Jan 23, 2019  • #4
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