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Jacob Herrera
1 discussion post
iOS 11 was released today and the ClipboardFusion iOS app no longer works. What's the ETA on a release of an updated version to the App Store?
• Attachment [protected]: temp.jpg [199,266 bytes]
Sep 19, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're planning to have it out within the next couple of weeks :)
Sep 20, 2017  • #2
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165 discussion posts
I know I am hijacking this thread, but wondering if you have plans to put out a new version for android as well? As the android version is quite outdated with the last update to it going back to August 2013 hehe :D

Thanks Keith
Sep 20, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The iOS app update will be just to fix up the compatibility with iOS 11. We're planning a more significant update for the version after ClipboardFusion 5.0 :)
Sep 20, 2017  • #4
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71 discussion posts
Would be good to get the app working in iOS 11. I've got addicted to fusion part of ClipboardFusion, used it often and find it indispensable
Sep 27, 2017  • #5
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3 discussion posts
I, too, have become addicted to ClipboardFusion and am looking forward to being able to use it again soon. In fact, ClipboardFusion was the sole reason I waited to update to iOS 11.
Sep 29, 2017  • #6
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
Any word on IOS 11 fix?
Oct 3, 2017  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Within the next couple of weeks, hopefully!
Oct 4, 2017  • #8
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1 discussion post
Couple of weeks ? That is now one month that iOS 11 is out...
Can you provide a real release date ?
The PC app is useless for me without its iOS counterpart.
Oct 25, 2017  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's close! We tried submitting it today but it's errroring out for some reason. We will have it up as soon as possible.
Oct 25, 2017  • #10
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3 discussion posts
Looking forward to it!
Oct 25, 2017  • #11
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71 discussion posts
Very good new app, thank you!
Oct 27, 2017  • #12
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
Downloading now. Thanks!
Oct 27, 2017  • #13
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