Ok, so here is my scenario:
1) start ClipboardFusion (there are no macros registered)
2) go to Macros tab (tray MRC -> Macros -> Manage Macros)
3) click "Add"
4) Name = "m1", Language = "C#", Description = "test1", HotKey = "Ctrl+F8", code =
text = BFS.Clipboard.CopyText();
text = "[[" + text + "]]";
return text;
Note: while I'm in the code editor window, the macro works correctly: I select some portion of text, then I click "Test Macro" and I get the correct "[[.......]]" result in the gray result box
5) OK -> Apply -> OK
6) open "notepad" and write there some random text like "ahgskdagajsdg"
7) select any portion of text from there (for example "gskd") and press Ctrl+F8

go to another row or another notepad window and press Ctrl+V; result: "[[gskd]]" is pasted, so everything is OK now
9) select another portion of text (for example "ahg") and press Ctrl+F8
10) go to a position where the text can pe pasted, press Ctrl+V; result: the old "[[gskd]]" is pasted instead of the correct "ahg" - WRONG!
11) now open the Macros tab again (tray MRC -> Macros -> Manage Macros)
12) do nothing to the macro, just press the "Apply" button there and close the windows
13) go to the notepad text, select for example "sdg" and press Ctrl+F8
14) go to a position where the text can pe pasted, press Ctrl+V; result: "[[sdg]]" is pasted, CORRECT!
15) go to the notepad text, select any different text and press Ctrl+F8
16) go to a position where the text can pe pasted, press Ctrl+V; result: "[[sdg]]" is pasted, WRONG, the old text is pasted again
Conclusion: for some reasons the macro works correctly only for the first time and this behaviour can be reset by going to the Macros tab and pressing "Apply" or by normally copying a text to clipboard with the standard Ctrl+C.