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James Chung
15 discussion posts
I can only find the latest version of the installer :(
Sep 12, 2013  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
We typically only post the current public version, why are you thinking of rolling-back to an older version?
Sep 12, 2013  • #2
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Ahh, my macros don't seem to work anymore... here's one... when it gets to updating the document it throws an error in 3.0.1 and it didn't in 3.0.0...


Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports SHDocVW

Public Class ClipboardFusionHelper

Public Shared Function ProcessText(text As String) As String
Dim ieBrowser As Object

Dim docPage As Object

ieBrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

ieBrowser.Visible = True

Call ieBrowser.Navigate("")

Do While ieBrowser.Busy = True
If InStr(1,ieBrowser.LocationName,"Dashboard") = 0 Then

docPage = ieBrowser.Document
docPage.GetElementsByName("myLogin_myUsername").Item.Value = "*****"
docPage.GetElementsByName("myLogin_myPassword").Item.Value = "*****"

Do While ieBrowser.Busy = True

End If

If InStr(1,ieBrowser.LocationName,"Dashboard") <> 0 Then
Do While ieBrowser.Busy = True
docPage = ieBrowser.Document
docPage.GetElementsByName("SearchTopBar").Item.Value = text
Call ieBrowser.Document.Forms("hello2").Submit

End If

ProcessText = text
End Function

End Class
Sep 12, 2013 (modified Sep 12, 2013)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just checking in to see if everything is working correctly now? Your post in the other topic seems to indicated that you got everything fixed up (we're still going to look into why a settings restore might have wrecked the macros).

Please let me know if you're still having any trouble with your macros.

Sep 13, 2013 (modified Sep 13, 2013)  • #4
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

I got my macros back, but I can't run them anymore.

Could you provide a link for the old installer (3.0.0) so I can rollback?


Sep 13, 2013  • #5
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Guys, I appreciate that you're taking the time to look into the issue, but I really need something that works in the meantime. Could you e-mail me the installer if you don't want to post the link? I understand it's my fault for upgrading and not keeping the original installer, I definitely won't bother upgrading next time.

I bought this program to make my life easier and save me time... it's now wasting way more than it was saving.
Sep 13, 2013  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the delay, I've re-posted the 3.0 build here:

Let me know if this one works for you. :)
Sep 13, 2013 (modified Sep 13, 2013)  • #7
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Thanks Jon. Ugh it's the weirdest thing. I uninstalled it, wiped the registry entries, rebooted, installed 3.0.0, and it's still giving me the same errors that it was when I updated to 3.0.1... It was working fine before the update though.

And when I tweak the code to run in VBA, it works fine... It's like it loses the object partway through the macro. I really wanted something that I could use that didn't require having excel open all the time though.

When I run the code I posted earlier, I should at least see the User ID and Password fill in, but they don't.

I get the following error message:

"Failed to run Macro.
Run Failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Object variable or With block variable not set."

Any thoughts? I'm stuck : /
Sep 13, 2013  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Are you using 3.0.0 now, with your old 3.0.0 macro and it still doesn't work? If so, that is very strange. Has anything else changed on your system in regard to the objects being used in the script?
Sep 17, 2013  • #9
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

It's weird. I went on vacation for a week and my system was off the whole time... now that I'm back my macros have mysteriously started working again.

I'm not sure what the problem was, but I'm not going to complain...


Sep 24, 2013  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's weird indeed! Glad to hear everything is working well now though. Please let us know if you do run into trouble again :)

Sep 24, 2013  • #11
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Hmm, I tried it on another PC with a fresh install and I'm getting the same issue where it appears to be losing the internet explorer object partway through the script... any thoughts?
Sep 27, 2013  • #12
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
Ahh, I think it had something to do with Imports ShDocVw... I pulled that line and now it seems to work perfectly. Strange that it was working before though.
Sep 27, 2013  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
What error do you get when that line is in the macro? I've added it to one of mine here, and the macro still seems to compile fine.
Sep 27, 2013  • #14
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James Chung
15 discussion posts
With the line in, I intermittently get the "Failed to run Macro. Run Failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Object variable or With block variable not set." error. But not always. I don't seem to get it at all with the line removed.
Sep 27, 2013  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok interesting. We'll do some testing with that here to see what we can find out. In the meantime, is everything working the way it should now?

Sep 30, 2013  • #16
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