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Munsifali Rashid
2 discussion posts
Been a long time user of DisplayFusion (which I think is awesome), and just found ClipboardFusion. I've been using another clipboard manager called CLCL, and this looks a little more polished, so I thought I'd try it out.

However, I can't seem to find how to pin items. With other clipboard managers that I've used, this is usually a straightforward task where items that should be displayed on the clipboard history list at all items can be managed from the settings window. In this case of CF, I can't see anything like this. Looking through the hotkeys, I found an option for "Manage pinned/synced items", which I've set and it brings up a window where I can edit items (though I don't have any items in there), but there doesn't appear to be any way to add items?

Really want to like and use this application, but it feels like the user interface certainly has a few shortfalls and is not as user friendly as it could be.

Am I missing something obvious here?

Shouldn't make any difference, but I'm using Windows 8 Pro.


Mar 16, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
ClipboardFusion keeps the permanent history items in your ClipboardFusion Online account, so that it can be synced across devices. You can manually save items to ClipboardFusion Online using the "Sync current clipboard text" HotKey (set a key combo on the Settings > HotKeys tab), or you can have ClipboardFusion sync everything copied by enabling the "Sync all copied text automatically" option on the Settings > Clipboard Syncing tab.

After doing that, they should show up in the Manage Recent/Pinned items window :)

Hope that helps!
Mar 17, 2014  • #2
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Munsifali Rashid
2 discussion posts
Thanks Keith, that did help. Enabled the sync feature and got it working, though I still find it a bit strange having to enable sync in order to use pinned items, as these are two distinctly different features to me. Another thing I noticed is that CF doesn't retain my clipboard history across reboots without the automatic sync enabled.

It's unlikely CF will replace my existing clipboard manager (was CLCL, but currently trying ArsClip). I don't want to have to sync everything that goes through my clipboard with your servers in order to use pinned items or persistent history, so that's a bit of a deal breaker for me.

I'd prefer if the sync feature was independent of these two so that I could choose to sync specific items, while still using pinned items and have my clipboard history retained across reboots locally on my machine.

If this functionality does change in a future release, I'll definitely give it another try.


Mar 18, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for the feedback! We'll definitely let you know if we end up adding local history/pinned retention functionality in a future version :)

Mar 18, 2014  • #4
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Robert Gray2
1 discussion post
I agree with Munr. I expected to see a stickpin icon on the Clipboard History list that I could click to pin an item. Then my pinned items might appear at the top of the history list, or in a separate section/page of the history list. Or maybe you add a "Pinned Local Items" and "All Pinned Items" options where you have "Pinned Synced Items". "Pinned Local Items" would show the locally stored pins and "All Pinned Items" would show both local and synced items. Just a thought.
Apr 15, 2014  • #5
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Justin Glauber
1 discussion post
I too would like to see items pinnable without syncing. My corp desktop is blocking access to syncing so i'm not able to sync but still want to be able to pin items that i use frequently.
May 20, 2014  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Robert and Justin: I've added your votes for an offline pinning feature :)

May 21, 2014  • #7
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CL Lee
2 discussion posts
definately need the offline pin and as simple as clicking pin in the history list, just bought the license and thought i could use the pin feature (and good experience from previous purchase from steam-DisplayFusion), but it needs to sync to your server, big NO NO sending sensitive pinned text to 3rd party server... now still using together an old + no longer develop clipboard software that have easy pins and even can pin in different groups by far better than CF, for now i only use the macro of CF which suppose is included in free version...
Jun 21, 2014 (modified Jun 21, 2014)  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@CL Lee: Thanks for the feedback! I've added your info to the open request for local pinned items as well. We can easily refund your ClipboardFusion purchase if you're not happy with it.
Jun 23, 2014  • #9
jsmarble's profile on
Just wanted to add in that I also would like the ability to pin items and retain history without the need to sync. I have licenses to all other binaryfortress software, so I would like to continue using ClipboardFusion, but I am missing pinned/template items from CLCL.
Sep 4, 2014  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Added your info to the open request as well, jsmarble :)

Sep 4, 2014  • #11
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1 discussion post
Any updates on this? I already own a license but the lack of offline pinned items is making me switch to ArsClip until it's implemented.
Oct 6, 2015  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not at the moment, sorry :(
Oct 7, 2015  • #13
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Conan Cook615074
1 discussion post
I'd also like this. I don't want the same things pinned at work as I do at home, and I really don't want to have to be online to pin things.
Dec 18, 2015  • #14
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1 discussion post
One more vote here, seems odd that you have to sync to pin items.
Jan 5, 2016  • #15
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3 discussion posts
Adding to this complaint, it's the one feature that disappoints in an otherwise great program. Instead of the customer service enthusiasm and voting system, I think (since it's such an elementary feature) the developer should just go ahead and spend the hour it takes to add this feature. Unless I misunderstand, currently we are not allowed to pin items using the actual app. We are forced to navigate to our online account, then click into sync history, then pin the item. Am I missing something? That would be a bad interface for a central feature.
Feb 24, 2016 (modified Feb 24, 2016)  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can definitely pin from within the application! Right-click the tray icon, navigate to Recent Items, then click "Manage Items." In the "Managed Sync Items" window, you can select an item on the Recent tab, then click the pushpin icon below the list to pin it :)
Feb 24, 2016  • #17
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Andrew Maiman
9 discussion posts
Add my vote to the other people wanting the ability to pin items locally.

My use-case for today:
Setting up a load balancer for a networked application with 8 health check endpoints. Since the load balancer doesn't have its own means of duplicating entries, I have to create 8 entries for each physical server. I want to be able to put the IP of the server on the "main" clipboard, and then press Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-8 to select one of the 8 URLs to paste without having to go back and forth.

There's no need for these items to be synced to a cloud server for this. (I have a paid license, primarily for the clipboard scrubbing feature. I use the clipboard for too many privileged operations such as passwords and private URLs that I would never turn on the sync feature. I have other (encrypted-at-rest with key under my control) tools for anything that I need to move cross-machine or cross-platform.)
Mar 31, 2016  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added! Also note that in the latest version, you can assign modifier keys to the local Clipboard History now as well, so that you can paste from the history using modifiers + 0-9 :)
Apr 1, 2016  • #19
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Andrew Maiman
9 discussion posts
Vote added! Also note that in the latest version, you can assign modifier keys to the local Clipboard History now as well, so that you can paste from the history using modifiers + 0-9 :)

Thanks. I did see that option, but it didn't work out since the order would change each time I copied a new IP address onto the clipboard.
Apr 1, 2016  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, thanks for clarifying!
Apr 1, 2016  • #21
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Alexandre N.
1 discussion post
I add my vote to this 2.5years request. Local pinned item seems to be a major feature.
Thank you for this great program.
Sep 19, 2016  • #22
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6 discussion posts
I've been a long time user of PureText. I found my way to ClipboardFusion while searching for a solution to the annoyance of copying a single word from Microsoft Word, then pasting into any other application that doesn't deal gracefully with the trailing space that Word so desperately wants to select along with my chosen word.

One hot key assignment later, I was using the same muscle memory that I have for years using PureText, but with much more sophisticated clipboard scrubbing. Dynamite!

So, I came for the trailing spaces removal, but then I tried the clipboard history. I've never used anything with a clipboard history before, but this started growing on me. Handy!

After using this for a couple of weeks, it occurred to me that it would be REALLY handy if I could keep some commonly-pasted stuff permanently on hand for easy access for pasting.

A brief search on-line brought me to this thread. First excitement, then disappointment. Cloud only? Seriously?

The pinning has to be local, and it has to be convenient. Did I mention that it has to be local? For me, the pinning has to be local.

I've recommended ClipboardFusion to a few colleagues already. I think I could make a much stronger pitch to them if local pinning were available.
Nov 23, 2016  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
When we originally designed ClipboardFusion it was only designed for sync, and the history was somewhat tacked on as an extra feature. The good news is that we're currently working on a complete revamp of the local history/recent/pinned stuff, so keep your eyes peeled for the first beta early next year :)
Nov 24, 2016  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The latest ClipboardFusion Beta versions now have the ability to keep a persistent local history, and you can pin items locally as well, without having to sync them :)

Jul 3, 2017  • #25
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Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi John,

If you open the Clipboard Manager Window (it sounds like you already have it open if you see a blue icon on your taskbar), you can right click the item you want to pin and select "Pin". You can also set a hotkey in the ClipboardFusion Settings > HotKeys > "Add Current Clipboard Contents to Local Pinned Items", if you want to set a hotkey for it.

Feb 6, 2024  • #29
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