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Shaun Louw
70 discussion posts
There is a hotkey facility to paste pinned items.
Extremely useful
Is there a way of establishing hotkeys to copy items directly to a pinned location?
For example
Ctrl-Shift-[1-9] = Currently I paste pinned items with these hotkeys
Ctrl-Shift-[F1-F9] = I would love to copy items direct to pinned location with these hotkeys

Many thanks for any reply
May 16, 2019  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There aren't built-in hotkeys for that, but I've written up Macros that will do it. You can save and extract the attached .zip file, and then import them on the ClipboardFusion Settings > Macros tab. After importing them, set hotkeys on them and you should be good to go.

Hope that helps!
• Attachment: [14,871 bytes]
May 17, 2019  • #2
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Shaun Louw
70 discussion posts
Merci beaucoupe!
May 17, 2019  • #3
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Shaun Louw
70 discussion posts
It does indeed very usaeful thank you
Just getting my head around them now.
To be precise these macros assign as a pinned item whatever text was in the clipboard when the macro was run.
The text is source via BFS.Clipboard.CopyText()
I am looking for an alternate source which will pass the currently selected text. Cannot find one but I am not good at C# just yet or your object model.
Is it possible to edit the macro so that the currently selected text is pinned instead of whatever was in the clipboard?
My thanks wonderful porductivity tool..
May 22, 2019  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
BFS.Clipboard.CopyText() does get the currently selected text if it can. I've tested it to confirm, by selecting some text in Google Chrome, and then pressing the hotkey for the Macro.

What application are you selecting the text in?
May 23, 2019  • #5
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Shaun Louw
70 discussion posts
OMG it does it already.
Amazing productivity tool this
Thank you so much....
May 23, 2019  • #6
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