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Adrián Flores60377
5 discussion posts
Hi, folks.

I just installed clipboard fusion in my newly assigned working laptop (no admin), and I noticed that the History and Local Pinned Items menu take a while to load (anything between 3 and 7 seconds). This happens if its the first time I'm using CF after turning on the laptop or if I haven't shown any of those menus in a while (5 minutes will do it). If use it frequently, it'll load instantly after the first launch.

I have CF in my personal PC and I don't recall having seeing this before.

Any idea why this might be happening?

Thanks in advance.

PS: I'm attaching the Debug Info file in case you need it.
• Attachment [protected]: [9,367 bytes]
Apr 20, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I noticed in the troubleshooting info that there are some images in the History. Are they large image files? If you clear the History, is the Clipboard Manager still slow to open?
Apr 20, 2018  • #2
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Adrián Flores60377
5 discussion posts
I noticed in the troubleshooting info that there are some images in the History. Are they large image files? If you clear the History, is the Clipboard Manager still slow to open?

Thank you, Keith.

The images you see (at least most of them) are generated after copying a range of cells in Excel. Unless these are saved in some other, heavier format than a normal image , they should be very small. I don't work with heavy images, so the rest of them are most like Screenshots or partial captures. BUT, clearing the history apparently did have an effect. I just rebooted and the history opened quickly. I also decreased the number of items to store (show?) to 25 (I had it in 50).

Wht do you recommend in order to avoid this issue?

EDIT: I did not clear the whole history, just some images.
Apr 20, 2018 (modified Apr 20, 2018)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, that might be the cause then. Do you ever use the Clipboard History for data copied from Excel? If not, could you try adding Excel to the Settings > Ignore Programs list, then increase your history limit again to see if that makes any difference?
Apr 23, 2018  • #4
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Adrián Flores60377
5 discussion posts
Ok, that might be the cause then. Do you ever use the Clipboard History for data copied from Excel? If not, could you try adding Excel to the Settings > Ignore Programs list, then increase your history limit again to see if that makes any difference?

I do use it quite often! That might not be an option for me. I also take screenshots and send them to people often, but I don't really use CF to retrieve them later. Is there a way to not have the prt sc images saved in CF?

It seems that enabling 'Keep Clipboard Manager open after losing focus' prevents the history from loading slowly. Does that have any potentially unwanted consequences? If not, I'm fine with leaving that way.
Apr 23, 2018  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Leaving that option enabled should be fine :)

I will add a request to our list to look into improving the loading time when images are involved as well.

Apr 23, 2018  • #6
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Adrián Flores60377
5 discussion posts
Leaving that option enabled should be fine :)

I will add a request to our list to look into improving the loading time when images are involved as well.


That's great!

Thank you very much for your help, Keith.
Apr 23, 2018  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Any time!
Apr 23, 2018  • #8
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Kenneth L LeFebvre
1 discussion post
I copy screenshots all the time and also experience long delays loading the history (sometimes tens of seconds).

Maybe you could lazy load images over a certain size, or something, so the delay is deferred until I actually inspect the image in my history?

It hadn't occurred to me that clearing my history would help with my performance issue, so I'm happy to learn that workaround for now! Thanks! (And, thanks Adrián for asking this question!)
Jun 14, 2018  • #9
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17 discussion posts
Keeping the Clipboard Manager open (in the background) actually works to overcome the delay. Also noticed this behaviour several weeks ago and was about to open a discussion regarding this, since the therefore anticipated v5.4 beta-update didn't handle or improve the repeating delay of displaying the Clipboard Manager, that occurs when it was closed/not visible for some minutes. As mentioned before that's probably caused by larger images/history items within the clipboardfusion.db, which (in my case) is around 20MB or more in size when the 'load manager window performance issue' begins to appear. Maybe an option to automatically remove/clear older clipboard history entries/items with a certain size could also help.

Settings: Maximum number of items: 19, Show tooltips: Text only, Show Clipboard Preview: disabled, Clear history items older than 5 hours, Clipboard Syncing disabled, 1-5 pinned plain-text items.

CPU: AMD FX-6100 (3.30 GHz) / HDD: 3,5"-5400rpm, 64MB Cache / RAM: 16GB / OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
There are no processing power-consuming applications running (except Firefox/Cyberfox web-browser).

Aside it would be neat to have a custom HotKey to toggle 'window always on top' for the Clipboard Manager.
Jun 17, 2018  • #10
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