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21 discussion posts
The past few weeks I've been giving the app (and my keyboard) a touture test with a lot of data that I'm trying to process. On idle after an hour of usage I notice ClipboardFusion's CPU and memory usage will rise over time. CPU usage can go well above 15% on my AMD 3900X 12-core/24 thread CPU and memory can go well above a gigabyte. The app will lag during usage and become unresponsive when accessing any settings via the tray icon for well over 20 or more seconds. When the app becomes like this I have to close it, wait about a minute, then re-launch for it to become "just like new" once again. Sometimes I have to force close it and re-launch as it never responds.

I've cut back the history to 16 in hopes to reduce memory, which I can't say it's helped. Right now, I have the memory trimming setting set in Advanced to help with memory but still seems to increase, just not as big as if it was at its default setting.

Main usage is clipboard scrubbing and a couple macros (mainly type-paste).
• Attachment [protected]: [27,786 bytes]
Dec 8, 2023  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds like there could definitely be a leak there somewhere. How many times would you estimate you run the macro before it starts having a noticeable impact?
Dec 8, 2023  • #2
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21 discussion posts
Sounds like there could definitely be a leak there somewhere. How many times would you estimate you run the macro before it starts having a noticeable impact?

I just did a fresh restart before running a session. About 1/2 hour usage, sitting about 1 and 6% usage and significant memory increase. No macros were used, just copy and paste.
Dec 9, 2023 (modified Dec 9, 2023)  • #3
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21 discussion posts
Okay, I'm not sure what Process/Task manager to believe here. I've been using Process Explorer since it's been giving me more details but I opened Window's Task Manager and it's showing ClipboardFusion idling around 60-70%, which it's only been open for less than 15 minutes!

I may have found the issue. Upon a trigger I had it playing a very short quieter sound since the notification was getting annoying. When looking through the "Threads" tab in Process Explorer I noticed DSOUND was using a higher amount of CPU, along with a ton of (I have it installed for some video editing). I removed the sound from the trigger and added back the notification and noticed the CPU usage is back to 0% again. I'll keep an eye on it for a bit to confirm that was the issue, but so far it does seem like it was it.
Dec 9, 2023 (modified Dec 9, 2023)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! We'll do some testing here with the Play Sound action in a Trigger rule. Thanks for posting what you found out!
Dec 11, 2023  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
What was the file type of the file you were using in the Play Sound action? We haven't been able to reproduce this issue here with a .wav file.
Dec 20, 2023  • #6
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21 discussion posts
What was the file type of the file you were using in the Play Sound action? We haven't been able to reproduce this issue here with a .wav file.

Sorry it took so long to reply. Was on holiday for the Christmas break.

I've attached the .wav file.
• Attachment [protected]: Tock.wav [9,800 bytes]
Jan 12, 2024  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, hope your holidays were good. Thanks for sending that over :)
Jan 12, 2024  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I was able to reproduce this issue here. It wasn't the sound file specifically but it does appear to be related to LAVSplitter. I'm seeing the same thing as you, with a new LAVSplitter thread showing up on every play of the sound file.

We'll put this on our list to investigate for the next version.

Jan 12, 2024  • #9
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