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39 discussion posts
I've read and re-read the Help guide on Triggers & Macros but there doesn't seem to be any examples on how to create something to do this function.
I'm sure it's easy and simple for folks that know already but for a new user it's daunting and not at all clear.

What I'd like to do do is to optionally remove formatting from some text. A lot of PDF docs I copy from seem to have hard-coded carriage returns and so screw up when pasting into another doc. The Trigger 'scrub' function sounds like it would do the job.

However the match conditions all appear to be automatic based on content or some other stuff I don't understand, when I just want the option for the function to be done manually via a right click option or similar.

Then I looked at Macros, but when I tried to Add one, it mandates using a programming language so that's no good for me.

Any ideas?
Nov 27, 2022 (modified Nov 27, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've added a script to our repository that you can download (ClipboardFusion Settings > Macros > Download Premade Macros) called "Remove Linebreaks from Text".

You can add a hotkey to the script to activate it. So you'll copy an item, run the hotkey to remove the line breaks, and then paste it where you would like.

Nov 29, 2022  • #2
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39 discussion posts
Great - tx for that.

I tried it on some text I'd copied to the clipboard and a notification duly popped up about the macro running.

But the text pasted still contains the line breaks. I note the Clipboard Manager doesn't add a new entry which I was expecting.

What am I missing?
Nov 29, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a PDF that you're having trouble with?

Nov 30, 2022  • #4
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39 discussion posts
Try the first few paras of this doc:

The macro strips the text formatting but seemingly not the line breaks.

Also I note that the Clipboard Manager doesn't seem to indicate the different text clip types e.g. HTML, RTF etc. and plain text, so one can't easily check if formatting has been stripped, without actually pasting it somewhere to test.
Is there a way to show this?
Dec 2, 2022  • #5
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39 discussion posts
Hi - any update on this?

Using an online tool it seems that stripping line breaks and replacing it with a space helps when copying text from a PDF.

Also is there a way to have the "Scrub" from Triggers as a macro?
Dec 9, 2022  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've updated the script in our repository, so if you download it again it should work now.

We don't support storing the formatting in the history so this isn't possible, but we do have it open as a feature request so I've added your vote.
Dec 12, 2022  • #7
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39 discussion posts
That's great - it works fine now. Thanks!
Dec 12, 2022  • #8
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