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7 discussion posts
Hello, I'm finding that more often then not I will pull up my pinned clip list, begin to type my clip, then select it to paste it doesn't actually paste into my chrome window. Is this a known issue and is there anything I can do to paste it once? I'm using Windows 10, latest chrome, and clipboard fusion pro 5.4
Jul 4, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've never run into trouble and work in Chrome most of the day. Could you attach a debug log?

  • On the ClipboardFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1::Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Restart ClipboardFusion
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Send us the %LOCALAPPDATA%\ClipboardFusion\ClipboardFusion.log file (can be found by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Jul 5, 2018  • #2
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7 discussion posts
Thanks. I tried to paste three times and ultimately had to click into my chrome textbox again then it worked after that. It's as if it loses focus with the chrome textbox sometimes but not others. The event happened between 8:01-8:02 AM today 07/11/2018. It happens multiple times a day actually but I just remembered to log it this time.

If there is anything else needed please let me know. Thanks again!
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion.log [3,815,224 bytes]
Jul 11, 2018 (modified Jul 11, 2018)  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the extra information, we'll test this out and follow-up soon.
Jul 11, 2018  • #4
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7 discussion posts
Is there any chance this could be looked at today before the weekend? Thank you.
Jul 13, 2018  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Does the issue happen all the time with all apps? Just with Chrome? Sometimes with Chrome? Did it used to work and it stopped working with a recent update?
Jul 13, 2018  • #6
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7 discussion posts
I only use CBF in chrome and it doesn't happen all the time. I notice that it will not paste 2-3 times then the paste will be successful. After this I'm able to paste for a while before it happens again.

I suppose I'll need to open notepad to paste there before chrome in order to answer your question. Are there any anomalies in my log?
Jul 14, 2018 (modified Jul 14, 2018)  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Your log looks fine, there are no issues there. That's very strange. When CF focuses Chrome is the correct textbox focused, or is just the main page itself focused?
Jul 17, 2018  • #8
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7 discussion posts
The textbox has focus. I'll type a sentence or two then while still in that textbox I'll bring up CF with alt+`. Sometimes nothing will paste and I'll need to reselect the textbox once or twice then it will paste.

edit: I think I may have discovered the issue. When pressing alt while in a textbox focus is lost. I'll troubleshoot by moving it to ctrl. If this is it I'm surprised this hasn't come up before.
Jul 18, 2018 (modified Jul 18, 2018)  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Good find! I wonder if it has something to do with Alt being an accelerator key?
Jul 18, 2018  • #10
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7 discussion posts
That seems to have been the issue. I did like how little I had to move my left hand to activate the window using alt+`. I don't suppose it would be possible to add support for two modifier keys to be used? Shift+Alt would be the next ideal combination.
Jul 21, 2018  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to use two modifier keys. I use Ctrl + Shift without issues. Do you get an error when you try to set two modifiers?
Jul 25, 2018  • #12
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