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1 discussion post

I am using clipboardfusion and wanted to ask if there is a way to search the clipboard history via full text search?
There is an integrated search, but it seems that only the first x characters of each entry are searched (probably only the "title line", not the complete entry).
Is there a way to change this or to search the whole text? Or alternatively a full text export to a readable format, where one could then search with an external search tool?

For example, I often save longer stack traces in the clipboard, where the relevant info is relatively far down, and then it would be helpful if you can search for it again later.

Greetings&Thanks Thomas
Aug 21, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Aug 21, 2023  • #2
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