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Andrew V. Tyuchkalov
20 discussion posts
The task is: Fill some forms in the browser. I need to emulate pushing keys sequence: "Text1"{Tab}"Text2"{Tab}{Tab}"Text3".

I tried to use method SendKeys, but I cant understend how it work and How Can I send special chars - Tab, Shift, Ctrl, Enter, Space, and how can I send a word (two o more chars).

Please Help me. Thanks.
Jan 13, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Check out the MSDN documentation for SendKeys, because ours uses a very similar syntax. The main differences are that our SendKeys supports all of the keyboard virtual keys found on the page below, and you should always wrap modified keys in parenthesis, otherwise the modifier key will be held down until the end of the sequence.

Here is an example that will type "Hello World!" then a tab, then the enter key:

"+(h)ello +(w)orld{TAB}{ENTER}"

Note: We found a bug in testing yesterday in that strings with spaces aren't supported. We'll have that fixed up for the next version of ClipboardFusion :)
Jan 16, 2015  • #2
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Andrew V. Tyuchkalov
20 discussion posts
Thank you
Jan 16, 2015  • #3
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Andrew V. Tyuchkalov
20 discussion posts

I have another problem: The SendKeys does`nt support Cyrillic character.

BFS.Input.SendKeys("+(В)аракина{TAB}"); sedns only TAB
Jan 17, 2015  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, our function has to try to translate characters and doesn't usually work all that well. I'd recommend using Microsoft's SendKeys that's built-in to the .NET Framework. You can do this instead of using BFS.Input.SendKeys:



Hope that helps!
Jan 20, 2015  • #5
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