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Gustave T. Wuterich IV
2 discussion posts
I'm currently testing CBF to see if I can use it to replace ClipX (great little program, but often times it slams a core wide open) and was hoping that the ability to have ongoing clipboard history retention.

The specific functionality, with ClipX, is an add-on called DiskLog (, "ClipX DiskLog Plugin 1.2, Records your clipboard lifetime history to disk (text entries only).").

A flat file simple text encoding would be ideal, but if not, some way to export the database to a basic text file would be perfect. This would allow easy searching through the logs (most especially when trying to find a password I set up four months ago, and only having a few day range of when it could have happened, etc).

This is specifically a request for local unlimited retention, not for online unlimited retention.

I attempted to find this functionality in the program, and was not able to find it. If I am mistaken and it currently exists, please point me in the right direction.

Thank you!
Sep 13, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! ClipboardFusion doesn't currently have this functionality, but I'll certainly add it to our feature request list. If we're able to implement it in a future version, we'll be sure to let you know!
Sep 17, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The latest ClipboardFusion Beta versions now have the ability to keep a persistent local history, and you can pin items locally as well, without having to sync them :)

Jul 3, 2017  • #3
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Gustave T. Wuterich IV
2 discussion posts
Keith, it's been a few years (which is entirely understandable, given the low-priority of this task), enough so that I actually ended up coding my own clipboard-local-history system in the meantime.

But I'd just like to say that you're awesome for getting back to me regarding this when it did get added.

I've been using Ditto, but I'm going to hibernate that and give Clipboard Fusion a try again to compare them.

Thank you!!
Aug 4, 2017  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad to hear it!
Aug 4, 2017  • #5
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