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17 discussion posts
I use ClipboardFusion a ton. One thing I get concerned about at times is the secure information that I'm sometimes copying that gets synchronized into the online database for ClipboardFusion. It can be a showstopper when recommending this product to customers, when they do want sync between computers but no history in the cloud. Now I know this feature can be disabled (maybe is by default) but are there any plans to allow folks to use their favorite online sync service like OneDrive or Dropbox to sync their history? Even if it's just populating an HTML file.

I'm guessing that the CF online system is necessary to sync between computers... eventually additional security features could be added like I've seen on things like virtual KVM apps. The ability to choose a computer name or IP address on the network to be the authorized computer to sync, use peer-to-peer syncing then (should be instant as well), and even add an encryption feature.
Oct 2, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No plans at the moment, but if we do add private syncing in one way or another in the future, we'll definitely let you know :)

Oct 4, 2017  • #2
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