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6 discussion posts
hello, i've been using ClipMate for a while and one of its more useful features is the ClipBar: this is a bar that ClipMate creates in the Windows taskbar that displays the current clip and when clicked shows the clipboard history.

unfortunately ClipMate has not been updated for a while and it still misses unicode support so it is time to move on. which brings me to ClipboardFusion, its features look really nice(the new triggers feature looks very promising) and critically it is actively developed(am pleasantly surprised and impressed to old threads being updated to confirm that a requested feature has been released in the latest version!) sadly the ClipBar is so good that it is sometimes preferable to go without unicode support in ClipMate because of the convenience it offers.

so could you please consider implementing such a feature in ClipboardFusion ? having such a feature would be priceless when it comes to previewing the current clip before pasting it. it would also be very useful when using keyboard shortcuts to move through the clips to see which clip is currently selected.

thank you.
Jul 3, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list, and if we're able to implement it in a future version, we'll definitely let you know!

I've also added a feature request for a new hotkey that would show the Preview Popup, so that you can preview the clipboard before pasting. Currently you can show the Preview Popup by right-clicking the tray icon and choosing "Show Preview Popup." You can also set it as the default single or double-click action on the Settings > Tray Icon Settings tab.

it would also be very useful when using keyboard shortcuts to move through the clips to see which clip is currently selected.

I'm not quite sure what you mean here. ClipboardFusion should show a blue outline on the item you're currently on when navigating with the hotkeys/arrow keys.
Jul 5, 2017  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Thank You Keith i appreciate you adding the feature request to your request list.

the hotkey also sounds good. could there also be a hotkey to cycle through the various clips as they are displayed in the preview popup ?

what i meant by this line:

it would also be very useful when using keyboard shortcuts to move through the clips to see which clip is currently selected.

was that by having ClipBar like functionality, a user would be able to see the currently selected clip at a glance. so if a user wanted to quickly go through a list they copied to find a particular entry, they would use specified hotkeys and the clipboard preview box in the address bar to go through the list in the clipboard's history quickly and find the clip they need.

once again Thank You and i have to say i really appreciate how responsive you are in the forums. i'll keep an eye out for any updates to this thread.
Jul 6, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah gotcha, so the toolbar wouldn't pull up a menu, you would just cycle through entries right in the preview box on the toolbar with hotkeys?
Jul 6, 2017  • #4
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6 discussion posts
it would be both.

you would use hotkeys to cycle through entries in the preview but if you want to view more clips clicking the preview would open up a list of the entries like seen in this image showing how ClipMate does it:

hopefully this is clear enough
Jul 9, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's perfect, thanks! If we're able to implement a toolbar like this in a future version, we'll definitely let you know.
Jul 11, 2017  • #6
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sweet! will keep an eye or two out.
Jul 16, 2017  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released 5.0 Beta 7, and there's now a hotkey for showing the preview popup with the current clipboard contents. Hope that helps a bit!
Aug 4, 2017  • #8
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sweet! will keep an eye or two out.

so much for keeping an eye or two out. i'm only seeing your reply today :o .

i appreciate your quick reply all those years ago and i have tried the hotkey + preview popup combination but unfortunately it is limited in that it only shows the latest clipboard entry. the beauty of ClipMates solution was that the ClipBar allowed access to the entire clipboard.

i hope that this feature is still in your todo list. this time i'll keep three eyes out.
May 5, 2020  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Haha, no worries! The other one is still open on our list, though I can't see if/when we might add it. We will be sure to post an update if we do.

May 6, 2020  • #10
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6 discussion posts
Really appreciate your quick responses, Thank you.

will be keeping those eyes out for this feature.
May 6, 2020  • #11
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