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37 discussion posts

I've run into something weird, where excel data that is copied isn't being scrubbed like I think it should. I do a lot of work in ServiceNow which has a TinyMCE editor for it's input boxes, and when I copy from excel to the editor, it inputs a table.

When I look at the clipboard history, it's like it's still HTML formatted.

Is this a feature?


Forgot to mention my system information:

Name: ClipboardFusion Pro 5.6
• Name Data: ClipboardFusion
• Build Date: May 21, 2019 16:45
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0 (10.0.18362.0)
• Operating System Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
• Is Windows Activated: True
• Is Server: False
• Is Windows 8.1 Update 1: False
• Is Windows 10 Build 1511+: True
• Is Windows 10 Build 1607+: True
• Is Windows 10 Build 1703+: True
• Is Windows 10 Build 1709+: True
• Is Windows 10 Build 1803+: True
• Is Windows 10 Build 1809+: True
• Is Windows 10 Build 1903+: True
• Detected Version: Win10 / Svr2016 (Win10 / Svr2016)
• x64 Process / System: True / True
• Date/Time (UTC): Jun 20, 2019 @ 16:37
• Date/Time (LOCAL): Jun 20, 2019 @ 10:37
• .NET Current Full: 4.0.30319.42000
• .NET Current Simple: 4.0
• .NET Installed: 2.0.50727.4927, 3.0.30729.4926, 3.5.30729.4926,, 4.8.3752.0
• .NET Installed Highest: 4.8.3752.0
• Default SecurityProtocol: Tls11, Tls12
• CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US, en)
• CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US, en)
• Is Using Themes: True
• Is Composition Enabled: True
• Windows 10 Theme: App Windows Light: Light
• Windows 10 Theme: Windows UI Light: Dark
• Is in Remote Desktop Session: False
• Physical Memory: 8567521280 (8.57 GB) / 17028317184 (17.03 GB)
• Computer Make: LENOVO
• Computer Model: 20FJS39N1F
• System Boot Time (UTC): 06/18/2019 15:15:15 (2 days, 1 hour, 21 mins ago)
• User Login Time (LOCAL): 06/20/2019 09:28:28 (1 hour, 8 mins ago)
• Short Date Pattern: M/d/yyyy [%#m/%#d/%Y]
• Short Time Pattern: HH:mm [%H:%M]
• Long Date Pattern: dddd, MMMM d, yyyy [%A, %B %#d, %Y]
• Long Time Pattern: HH:mm:ss [%H:%M:%S]
• Process Integrity Level: High
• Administrator: False
• UAC Enabled: True
• Touch Enabled: False
• Battery In-Use: False
• Battery Percent: 98
• Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\ClipboardFusion\ClipboardFusion.exe"
• Current Folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32
• Process CPU Affinity: All CPUs (4 cores)
• Memory Trim: False
• Debug Logging: L0_Disabled
• Debug Logging Metrics: False
• Debug Logging Stack Traces: False
• Debug Logging Machine Level: False
• Debug Logging Thread Names: False
• Debug Logging Max Size: Path: '\', Key: 'AutoTrimLogFileSizeMax', Value: 7500000, Locked: False, Loaded: DefaultValue, Mode: Registry_LoadSaveCached, Cache: NoCaching
• Update Check Normal: Path: '\', Key: 'AutoUpdate', Value: 1, Locked: False, Loaded: HKCU_APP, Mode: Registry_RealTime, Cache: NoCaching
• Update Check Beta: Path: '\', Key: 'AutoUpdateBeta', Value: 0, Locked: False, Loaded: HKCU_APP, Mode: Registry_RealTime, Cache: NoCaching
• Update Check Timer Interval: 302,400,000ms
• Update Check Timer Status: True
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• IsExiting: False
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• BFTabControlIconSize: 24
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• Font Normal: Tahoma @ 11px
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• Window: GetShellWindow:1: Handle: 0x00010280
• Window: GetShellWindow:2: Handle: 0x000201ae
• Window: GetDesktopWindow: Handle: 0x00010010
Jun 20, 2019 (modified Jun 20, 2019)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excel copies multiple formats to the clipboard, including an image of the cells, so that's probably what's happening here. If you add a "Remove Non-Text Formats" action to the scrubbing Trigger rule (Settings > Triggers), that should resolve that :)

Hope that helps!
Jun 21, 2019  • #2
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37 discussion posts
Yes! That fixed it! Thanks for that solution! Didn't even realize that was an option. I'll have to really dig deep into the options soon since I've barely scratched the surface of what this program can do :)
Jun 21, 2019  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad to hear it!
Jun 21, 2019  • #4
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