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4 discussion posts
Hello all

I am new to Clipboard Fusion and I am still assessing it to see if it would work for me.

How can I quickly access the things in my clipboard where ever I am? I don't want to reach for the mouse, right-click and go to Clipboard History.

I want to quickly access that list and select something with up/down arrows on keyboard. How do I do this?

I look for documentation and couldn't find anything anything on this! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Jan 23, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
On the Settings > HotKeys tab, you can assign a key combination to the "Show Quick History Menu" option. That will open a menu with the history at your mouse cursor location so that you can quickly select something to paste with either the mouse or the keyboard :)

Jan 23, 2017  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Thanks Keith, that works, but for some reason, my clippings from yesterday don't show today! Do they have a lifetime of 24 hours or something?
Jan 24, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
They should last as long as ClipboardFusion stays running. They're only stored in memory, so if ClipboardFusion or the computer restarts, they are cleared. We're planning to add more permanent history storage in a later 5.0 beta version :)
Jan 24, 2017  • #4
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4 discussion posts
Thank you, yes please do add that. That is a very important feature.

Is there a place I can upvote that?
Jan 25, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We keep the feature request list internal, but I've already added your info to the feature request and I'll be sure to follow up when we've implemented it :)

Jan 25, 2017  • #6
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4 discussion posts
Ok thank you. I've gone ahead and purchased a licence (with my personal email). So far, I'm liking it.
Jan 26, 2017  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The latest ClipboardFusion Beta versions now have the ability to keep a persistent local history, and you can pin items locally as well, without having to sync them :)

Jul 3, 2017  • #8
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