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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts
...if there were no changes.

It's real a nice tool you've written, but with the time it's a bit bothering to see "Clipbaord Text Scrubbed Successfully!" And no, I do not want to disable this ballon, cause, it's good to see that it works - if it did something.

Sometimes I get an alert (not a ballon!) that CTS wasn't able to scrub the text, can't reproduce it. Why is it an alert box and not a ballon which would disappear by itself?

On my pc CTS takes about 13MB of RAM. That's a lot for this tiny tool!

Nevertheless I will continue using it cause it's so cool. :)

Jul 27, 2007  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Carsten,
Give the new version (v1.2) a try. It takes up considerably less memory, and should resolve your alert issue.

Jul 31, 2007  • #2
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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

that's nice! Approx. 10 MB less memory. Thanks a lot for this and for "Removed the “invalid format” message"

Still there's a message if I copy pure text and nothing was scrubbed cause there's nothing to remove.

How to reproduce my alert issue: mark some text and press Ctrl+C for a while. Okay, not that common behaviour but CTS shows an alert after some time. :)

Keep that great work,
Aug 1, 2007  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have just released v1.3.0 which finally takes care of the "too many notifications" issue. :-) Please let me know if you still experience any issues.

You can snag a copy here:

Aug 7, 2007  • #4
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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

yes that's much better now!

Have you ever used CTS in combination with OpenOffice Calc (maybe Writer & Co. as well)?
I'm not able to reproduce it every time I try it (OO 2.2.1, german version on Win XP Pro, all updates):
- open OO Calc
- format a cell as bold
- enter any text
- copy this text (CTS will try to clean it up)
- try to copy the text somewhere into this spreadsheet
Last time I've tried it OO and CTS took approx. 70% of memory usage and I had to kill OO.

I've already experienced other problems with OO Calc. I guess, OO observes the clipboard as well?

Workaround is to deactivate automatic scrubbing when working with OO Calc.

Have fun with bugfixing. :)
Aug 10, 2007  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Carsten,
I have just posted v1.3.1 of Clipboard Text Scrubber. You can find it here:

It should take care of the OpenOffice issue, which I was able to reproduce on my English install of OO. The problem was a result of an infinite loop - thanks for finding it! Let me know if this build clears up your issue.

Aug 16, 2007  • #6
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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

yes, version 1.3.1 seems to work fine with OO now.

Thanks a lot for this bugfix!

Aug 16, 2007  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
No problem - glad to hear it worked. :-)

Aug 16, 2007  • #8
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