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7 discussion posts
I am sorry I could not find any solution to my problem on forum.
I want when the app boots on windows 11, it should be disabled for copy and I have set a double clip to enable it.
Now every time i start app it enables copy and I have to manually disable it.
I want the app to start with disable copy funtion.
Can anyone please help me on how I do this?
Mar 26, 2023 (modified Mar 26, 2023)  • #1
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Not clear to me what you are looking for. Single copy or double copy has to do with launching a trigger or not.
Mar 26, 2023  • #2
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7 discussion posts
Not clear to me what you are looking for. Single copy or double copy has to do with launching a trigger or not.


When I start the pc I have set app to boot. No I dont want the app to capture any content copied. I enable copy via a double click shitcut and it captures whatever i copy.

The problemis when I start at boot it acture everything including nonessential thing for me. So the only solution I have to manuual start it after boot and disable copy capture and re-enable via a shortcut when I want it to cature relevant content.
Mar 26, 2023  • #3
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Disable automatic start of CF in Settings ("Start with Windows" thus disabled). And create a hotkey for the Windows Desktop Icon for launching CF. Let say Ctrl-shift-C. Pressing that one will make the clipboard manager active. If you "Exit" CF you can use Ctrl-shift-C again to activate CF.
Mar 26, 2023  • #4
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7 discussion posts
Disable automatic start of CF in Settings ("Start with Windows" thus disabled). And create a hotkey for the Windows Desktop Icon for launching CF. Let say Ctrl-shift-C. Pressing that one will make the clipboard manager active. If you "Exit" CF you can use Ctrl-shift-C again to activate CF.

Thank yous how much that helped alot
Mar 26, 2023  • #5
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