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3 discussion posts
I need to copy numbers and paste them with two different commands:
command1 copies number text in x,xxx,xxx.xx format and reformat as,xx to paste
command2 copies number text in,xx format and reformat as x,xxx,xxx.xx to paste (the reverse of command1)
I've been able to to do one format conversion with Cntr+C and applying triggers, but I could not see how to serarate formatting as I need above
Thanks for the help
Mar 5, 2024 (modified Mar 5, 2024)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You're looking to have the copied text replace the periods with commas, and the commas with periods?
Mar 5, 2024  • #2
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3 discussion posts
No. I need two separate - exclusive- clipboard operations:
1) At certain times I need to copy numbers in BRA format (that have dots as thousands separators and commas as decimal separators) and paste the copied numbers in US format (delete dots and replace commas with dots)
2) At other times I need to copy numbers in US format (that have commas as thousands separators and dots as decimal separators) and paste the copied numbers in US format (delete commas and replace dots with commas)

As an exanple, I'd like to have two keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Cntr+Z and Cntr+Y)
I'd like to be able do two separate, exclusive things:
(a) select a certain text, then Cntr+Z would do 2 things: [1] delete all dots from the selected text [2] replace all commas in the selected text with dots
(b) select a certain text, then Cntr+Y would do 2 things: [1] delete all commas from the selected text [2] replace all dots in the selected text with commas
Mar 5, 2024 (modified Mar 5, 2024)  • #3
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Create two macros to do job (1) command1 and job (2) command2. Then in settings you can assign a hot key combination to command1 and command2, for example the ones you mention ctrl-Z and ctrl-Y.
Mar 6, 2024  • #4
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
See attached the macros that probably will do the job.
First ctrl-c what you want to have for the job and then use your hot key combination.
After that you can ctrl-V to get the result.
• Attachment: DecimalCommaToPoint.cfmacro [3,066 bytes]
• Attachment: DecimalPointToComma.cfmacro [3,074 bytes]
Mar 6, 2024  • #5
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3 discussion posts
Hi C# Clouseau, thank you for your input! I've tried to download the macros you attached, but it seems they are protected and I'm not able to download them - if they are not long, could you display them here?
Again, thank you.

See attached the macros that probably will do the job.
First ctrl-c what you want to have for the job and then use your hot key combination.
After that you can ctrl-V to get the result.
Mar 6, 2024 (modified Mar 6, 2024)  • #6
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Should be unprotected now.
Mar 6, 2024  • #7
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
And you could try to combine the two in one macro only.
Then you have to look into the items you have copied to identify ehat shoud be done.
A format like this ???,xx should trigger the comma decimal to point decimal, and ???.xx to comma.
But I do not know yours, could be ???,xxxxxxx or ????,x

The problem with two macros is that you have to decide which macro to run. And if you run it on a wrong format it will change definitely something that is . or , :laugh:
Mar 6, 2024  • #8
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