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The pricing information in this article is outdated, please visit the Free vs. Pro comparison page for an updated list of features and pricing.

Over the last couple of months, I have received quite a bit of feedback regarding ClipboardFusion and the ClipboardFusion Online pricing. As a result of this excellent feedback, I have decided to eliminate the monthly subscriptions, and reduce the price of the yearly subscription to just $16 per year! Of course, ClipboardFusion itself is completely free, and always will be. However, if you would like to sync your clipboard text and share it with other devices, a ClipboardFusion subscription is just what you need! Here is a quick rundown on the new pricing:

  • 1 Year: $16
  • 2 Years: $24

If you own a DisplayFusion Pro license, you can receive an additional 25% this price:

  • 1 Year with DisplayFusion Pro: $12
  • 2 Years with DisplayFusion Pro: $16

These are some great prices, and they are permanent, not a temporary sale price! If you are a current ClipboardFusion Online subscriber, just head over to the purchase page to take advantage of this new pricing.

Jul 12, 2010  • #1
DonChino's profile on
So when are you going to offer a lifetime Clipboard Fusion price? :)
$25 like DisplayFusion? Or maybe if you already own DisplayFusion an additional 25$ gets you ClipboardFusion?
Jul 17, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have given some thought to offering lifetime licenses, and I'm sure they'll be coming this summer. If you already own DisplayFusion, you'll get a 25% discount off the lifetime license, don't worry. :)
Jul 17, 2010  • #3
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john kidder
1 discussion post
I have seen it used, but haven't bought it yet. But I definitely would prefer a lifetime license if possible. Thanks.
Sep 16, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Wilfredo, @John: Lifetime licenses are now available:
Sep 16, 2010  • #5
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