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Dave Mackey
2 discussion posts
I have a PDF document I'm copying from. I have Clipboardfusion installed, but even when I use the menu option to tell it to scrube the clipboard text, when I paste it into a Google Docs or Microsoft Word document it still has line breaks.

Additionally if I click on Show Preview Popup I get the following message, "There is no data on the Clipboard that is supported by the preview popup."

Amy I doing something wrong?

The file I am attempting to copy from is publicy available here: It is a commentary on the Old Testament book of Amos.
Sep 25, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The default option for scrubbing line breaks only removes them from the beginning and end of the entire blob of text. You can do what you're looking for by adding a Text Replace rule like the one in the attached screenshot. Note that the "Allow special characters" option is enabled, and the "Replace Text" box is empty.

The preview popup will only work if there's an image, or an HTML colour code in the clipboard.

Hope that helps!
• Attachment: Text Replace.jpg [118,612 bytes]
Text Replace.jpg
Text Replace.jpg
Sep 26, 2013 (modified Sep 26, 2013)  • #2
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Dave Mackey
2 discussion posts
Awesome! Thanks so much Keith.
Sep 28, 2013  • #3
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