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Will version 5 interface be similar to 4.2? It looks like draft for now, espaciallly with this strange tabs that disallow keyboard navigarion. BTW, IMHO version 4.x interface is fine. Very fresh, accurate and original.
Feb 17, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It will be similar to the current beta version, though we will polish it up in the later releases. We wanted to do more stuff with the history menu that wasn't possible with the old one, because it was just a plain .NET context menu.

Regarding the tabs, you can switch between them with the keyboard using Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + Shift + Tab.

If you have any feedback/complaints about the Clipboard Manager window in the current beta, definitely let me know. We're glad to get all the feedback we can :)

Feb 22, 2017  • #2
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if there's any way i could convince you to keep the look of v4.x ...

the beta version ui looks like a total step back, and the flat/modern design of v4.x is just so much better. please?
Mar 3, 2017  • #3
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the beta version ui looks like a total step back, and the flat/modern design of v4.x is just so much better.

Agree, even old-fasioned CLCL looks better. I moved to CF from CLCL just because of new fresh interface.
Mar 3, 2017  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The design is still a work-in-progress, so we'll see what we can do to improve it over the next few betas. If there are specific elements of the Clipboard Manager window that you don't jive with, please let us know and we'll take them into consideration!

Mar 14, 2017  • #5
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I don't like tabs. It's less user-freandly than menu version IMHO.
The design is still a work-in-progress, so we'll see what we can do to improve it over the next few betas. If there are specific elements of the Clipboard Manager window that you don't jive with, please let us know and we'll take them into consideration!

Mar 16, 2017  • #6
Dennis Hays' profile on
I like the Clipboard Manager, but would like to be able to adjust the height, if possible. There tasks where I would only like to see the most recent clip (Keep Clipboard Manager open after losing focus), and others where I need the CM open such as it is now.
Dennis Hays
Photographer - Writer - Editor
Mar 22, 2017  • #7
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If there are specific elements of the Clipboard Manager window that you don't jive with, please let us know and we'll take them into consideration!

i would love an option to disable the tabs, since i personally don't use anything but the history and online pinned now that the clipboards sync. also, they key icons (#1-#10) are a bit skeumorphic for 2017, and they are hard to read on some of the higher-res displays that (admittedly) don't handle scaling well at all.
Apr 14, 2017 (modified Apr 14, 2017)  • #8
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i would love an option to disable the tabs, since i personally don't use anything but the history and online pinned now that the clipboards sync

Me too. I use history and pinned items as text templates. The submenu solution for the items was fine, compact and userfriendly IMHO.
Apr 14, 2017 (modified Apr 14, 2017)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
What if you could move between the tabs with the arrow keys? So it would be similar to the old context menu where you open the History, then use the right arrow key to move to the Recent/Pinned items?
Apr 20, 2017  • #10
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What if you could move between the tabs with the arrow keys? So it would be similar to the old context menu where you open the History, then use the right arrow key to move to the Recent/Pinned items?

That means that I need to do extra operations. I have one hand on the left side of KB and one hand on mouse. I click Win+`, the history appears. Synchronously with calling history I'm moving mouse to the region where the history should appear, just automatically, I need mouse only to work with appeared window and all it's functions and that's quick. In another way I need to move the left hand to the right side of KB, select the right tab with the arrows or mouse, select the right pinned item with the mouse and don't forget to switch back to history tab, too many operations. That's the usability regress for me.
Apr 20, 2017  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
So the issue is that you have to click on the tabs instead of just hovering the sub-menu?
Apr 24, 2017  • #12
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So the issue is that you have to click on the tabs instead of just hovering the sub-menu?

I'll tell you in another way - I need to do extra operation and I don't like this. The 4.x intenface was solid, simple and will designed. I don't see any of this points in 5.x. But this is my personal opinion, I don't know what other users think. You can create the survey if you want, that will be really objective.
Apr 24, 2017  • #13
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I switched back to v4 after trying v5 for a month. v4 felt way more productive to me.
Also the UI of v5 need to be polished, for eg the alignment of close button
Apr 30, 2017  • #14
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I switched back to v4 after trying v5 for a month. v4 felt way more productive to me.

Me too, but the is only one problem for me: no save history on exit function. And local pinned items also.
Apr 30, 2017  • #15
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Some suggestions.
1) Align close button to top right corner
2) The icons using for numbering items looks obscure. Use more flat and clear icons.
3) Use left right arrow keys to switch between tabs.
May 1, 2017  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@dtouch: We've actually got those exact changes ready to go for the next beta :)
May 1, 2017  • #17
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@dtouch: We've actually got those exact changes ready to go for the next beta :)

Great! You guys actually listen to us end users. :)
Also about close button : new windows close button style is a minimal x mark which turn red box on hover, not red always. Try to follow that design principle.. feels more native.
As a productivity app , most users are not after eye candy, but a light weight native app.
May 1, 2017 (modified May 1, 2017)  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's how it will be in the next beta :)
May 2, 2017  • #19
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