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We're very excited to announce that ClipboardFusion 5.7 is now available for download! This version makes a few changes to the Clipboard Manager and fixes a bunch of minor issues.

ClipboardFusion 5.7 Highlights

  • Change: Added options to remove whitespace before and after each line
  • Change: All items in the Clipboard Manager now have icons, not just image/file items
  • Change: Items 0-9 in the Clipboard Manager now have a type icon as well
  • Change: Added date/time to image items in the Clipboard Manager
  • Change: Added a few programs to the "Ignore Programs" list by default for fresh installs
  • Change: Added some new functions to the BFS.ClipboardFusion namespace for Macros
  • Fix: Tray icon History menu now updates correctly when items are automatically cleared
  • Fix: "Help with functions" link in the Macro editor now goes to the correct page
  • Fix: Tray icon no longer shows the syncing icon when syncing is disabled
  • Fix: Auto-paste now works for website forms in Edge (UWP)
  • Fix: Window title in status bar for Clipboard Manager now truncates to prevent the text from getting too small
  • Fix: Online Recent Items should no longer get arbitrarily re-ordered
  • Fix: Limiting the Recent/Online Items in the Settings should now work correctly
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the History would break if empty whitespace was copied
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where deleting items quickly with the keyboard didn't work correctly
  • Fix: Pinned Items should no longer move if you right-click and then left-click a different slot
  • Fix: Resolved a cross-thread crash

Updating ClipboardFusion

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please view the ClipboardFusion Change Log. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate ClipboardFusion to their native languages.

ClipboardFusion Screenshots

Clipboard Manager > History List
Clipboard Manager > History List
Dec 20, 2019 (modified Dec 20, 2019)  • #1
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Leon André Bergman
60 discussion posts
I'm having an issue that after update, a lot of my pinned items are not showing, and I have to search for them to find them.
As far as I can tell, it seems that the list is limited to 20 items for some reason, and I can't figure out how to make it longer.

[Edit] Ignore. I found it.
Dec 23, 2019 (modified Dec 23, 2019)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Leon: Was it the local pinned items or the online pinned items that were limited to 20?
Dec 23, 2019  • #3
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Leon André Bergman
60 discussion posts
It was the Maximum number of items in clipboard history, so the local ones. It also limited the pinned items, so I set the number as high as it would go.
Dec 24, 2019  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah gotcha, thanks for the update! That was a bug that the limits weren't being enforced in 5.6, which we fixed for 5.7, so that makes sense then. Glad to hear you were able to find the option for it :)
Dec 24, 2019  • #5
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