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We're very pleased to announce that ClipboardFusion 3.0 is now available for download! We're confident that you'll enjoy the wealth of new features, along with the new multi-platform mobile apps. To celebrate the new release, ClipboardFusion Pro will be available for purchase at a 25% discount until September 7th! On a related note, we now accept Bitcoin as a payment method as well.

There are many exciting new features, changes, and bug fixes in this version. We've added a macro browser for easy installation of pre-made and user submitted macros, mobile apps, images to the clipboard History in the Windows version, searchable clipboard History, and much more!

ClipboardFusion 3.0 Highlights

  • Apps now available for Windows 8, Linux, Mac, Apple iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 8, Chrome and more
  • Macros now sync with ClipboardFusion Online
  • Added the ability to install macros directly from ClipboardFusion Online
  • Huge improvements to the macro editor window
  • Added an option to import and export ClipboardFusion macros to and from a file
  • The history menu now pastes the selected item into the active window automatically
  • Clipboard history now supports images
  • Users can now navigate through the Quick History menu by continuously pressing its HotKey
  • Clipboard history in the Quick History Menu can now be searched
  • Added the ability to add, edit, delete, pin and unpin online items from within the application
  • Pinned Items can now have a custom name
  • A new scrub option has been added: 'Auto scrub except on double-copy'
  • Added the ability to select and de-select individual text replace rules
  • Added the ability to customize the number of items that are shown in the history menus
  • Many behind the scenes changes, bug fixes, performance and stability improvements

Windows Desktop Screenshots

Quick History Menu
Quick History Menu
Online Items Editor
Online Items Editor
Pre-Made Macro Downloader
Pre-Made Macro Downloader

Mobile App Screenshots

Pinned Items (Android)
Pinned Items (Android)
Recent Items (Android)
Recent Items (Android)
Menu (Android)
Menu (Android)

Updating ClipboardFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased ClipboardFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! Please note that ClipboardFusion 3.0 and higher will require a license key for the Pro/Online features. Features that are currently available in the Free version of ClipboardFusion 2.1 are still available in ClipboardFusion 3.0 for free, and will remain free in future versions. If you're currently running the Free version, you'll get an automatic 30-day trial of the Pro version, which will revert back to the Free version after the 30 days is up.

If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the ClipboardFusion Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to everyone that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone, we hope you enjoy ClipboardFusion 3.0!

Aug 21, 2013  • #1
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