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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
I'm having issues with Clipboard Fusion Pro 6.1 crashing a few times a day for some time now and have been trying to find a pattern or cause for it (and hoping it might get fixed in the meantime :)), but with no luck so far.

I noticed that my computer becomes laggy for a second or two just before Clipboard crashes. From the event log (attached in this message) it seems that the issue is related to
and I'm wondering if you had a similar issue before or know something more about it?

• Attachment [protected]: clipboard-crash.evtx [69,632 bytes]
Oct 24, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Boris,

If you head to C:\Users\(YourUser)\AppData\Local\CrashDumps, is there anything listed for ClipboardFusion? If so, could you send over the latest file?
Oct 24, 2023  • #2
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
Sure, here it is
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion.exe.43064.dmp [7,142,103 bytes]
Oct 24, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could we send you an email? We'd like to give you a test build but don't want to post it publicly.

Nov 1, 2023  • #4
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
Sure, send it over and I'll test it out tomorrow. Thanks for quickly looking into it.
Nov 1, 2023  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Will do, just need to prepare a test build and then I'll send you an email. Thanks!
Nov 2, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Jan 5, 2024  • #7
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
Unfortunately, it is still crashing.
I've attached the crash dump if it helps.
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion.exe.43120.dmp [9,591,892 bytes]
Jan 9, 2024  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks, we'll check it out!
Jan 10, 2024  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Quick update and a question. The crash dump points to the crash happening in a main thread that does a bunch of different things, so it's tough to figure out what's causing it from the crash dump. Does it happen when you copy from a specific program? Also, do you have any Trigger rules on the Settings > Triggers tab? If so, does it still crash if you disable all of them?

Feb 6, 2024  • #10
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
I'm a software developer and mostly work in Visual Studio 2022 but wouldn't say that it happens only when I'm copying from there. Regarding the triggers, I have only the default one and I will disable it now and try to see if it will help.
Feb 8, 2024  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good, thanks! Keep me posted and we'll go from there :)
Feb 8, 2024  • #12
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
Sorry for a late reply, I wasn't working for some time.
The good news is that since I've disabled the trigger I haven't had any crashes. As this is a feature that I don't really use I can live without it and as far as I'm concerned we can mark this issue as solved.

Let me know if you want to investigate this issue further or need my help with anything.

Feb 23, 2024  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, thanks for keeping me updated! Good to know that it appears to be something related to Triggers, I will pass that info on to our developers.

Feb 23, 2024  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a backup of your settings? You can export them on the Settings > Options tab and then attach the file to your reply. Attachments are protected by default in the discussions.

Feb 28, 2024  • #15
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
Sure, here they are
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion Backup (2024-03-01 @ 11-08,, SettingsWindow).reg [9,516 bytes]
Mar 1, 2024  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thank you!
Mar 1, 2024  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hello! I was hoping to take a look at the Trigger rule that was causing the crashing. Do you remember what was in it before you deleted it? Was it just the default one that comes in a fresh install of ClipboardFusion?
Mar 8, 2024  • #18
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Boris Marković
8 discussion posts
Yeah, just the default one
Mar 9, 2024  • #19
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Nick Gall72398
5 discussion posts
I'm having a crashing issue as well. For me, CF crashes every few days. I only notice after the crash when I try to invoke a CF macro (which cleans up newlines and whitespace in copied text) via a keychord and nothing happens. Then I notice the CF icon is no longer in the system tray and I start it again. It happens infrequently enough that I've kind of gotten used to it, but it is somewhat of an inconvenience. I've not detected any pattern regarding when it crashes. I'm attaching the dump file from its most recent crash.

PS I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or use this one. Happy to start a new thread if that's better for your workflow.
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion.exe.21032.dmp [9,456,352 bytes]
Mar 12, 2024  • #20
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Nick Gall72398
5 discussion posts
CF crashed again. Attached is the dump.
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion.exe.31108.dmp [8,619,190 bytes]
Mar 12, 2024  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Nick, we'll take a look at your crash dumps as well. Does yours also stop crashing if you disable all Triggers on the Settings > Triggers tab?
Mar 15, 2024  • #22
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Nick Gall72398
5 discussion posts
Does yours also stop crashing if you disable all Triggers on the Settings > Triggers tab?

I just disabled three triggers. I'll let you know in a few days if that seems to help.
Mar 15, 2024  • #23
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Nick Gall72398
5 discussion posts
Does yours also stop crashing if you disable all Triggers on the Settings > Triggers tab?

I just disabled three triggers. I'll let you know in a few days if that seems to help.

It crashed again yesterday after 2 weeks of no crashes, despite having disabled all triggers. I've attached the dump file.
• Attachment [protected]: ClipboardFusion.exe.17160.dmp [8,480,409 bytes]
Mar 29, 2024  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the update! We'll take a look at it and hopefully it will have some new info for us :)
Apr 2, 2024  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've got an idea on what's crashing here and will be working on a fix for the next beta. We'll be sure to let you know when it's available to try out.

Apr 3, 2024  • #26
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Nick Gall72398
5 discussion posts
That's great news! CFP crashed yesterday. Should I post further crash dumps, or are you all set?
Apr 5, 2024  • #27
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're good for now, we should have everything we need at the moment :)
Apr 8, 2024  • #28
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Major Payne
11 discussion posts
FWIW I've had similar issues too. WIN11 Pro.

Works as expected for days, even weeks, then crash - disappears from the tray (spot next to the clock). Restart computer, it's still missing from tray. I can see it active via task manager, but it's not accessible. Uninstall/reinstall and it will work fine. Until it doesn't.

I can't recall all the settings I made, in what order, and when. Here are most:

    Clipboard history > Clear history items older than: > changed value to 6 hours
    Clipboard history > Database location > changed to folder in secondary drive (not O/S drive)
    Tray icon settings > Single Click action > changed to Hotkey: Show history menu
    Click on the tray icon > right-click on any of the tabs to remove Online Recent, Online Pinned, and Macros becuase I don't need any of those.

No Triggers or Macros set.

Installed the beta listed above, didn't work at all - nothing copied was captured. Went back to v6.1 and it works as expected. I'm just waiting for it to crash :P
May 6, 2024  • #29
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Major Payne
11 discussion posts
We've got an idea on what's crashing here and will be working on a fix for the next beta. We'll be sure to let you know when it's available to try out.


Hey guys, any updates on a beta?

I started using Ditto, older and not as feature-rich, but it works well enough as a clipboard manager.
Jun 16, 2024  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We have one in the works, but not hard ETA on it yet. We'll follow-up in this thread when it is released, and you can enable beta update checks on the Settings > Options tab as well.

Jun 19, 2024  • #31
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